Insecure is an American comedy and drama TV series created by Issa Rae and Larry Wilmore, and a part of the show is based on the popular series call Awkward Black Girl. The show revolves around an African-American woman who has a number of awkward experiences. The series was premiered first in the year 2016 on HBO Now and HBO Go, and now it is one of the best American series available and fans love it.
Release date
Insecure’s seventh episode is all set to release on 5 th December 2021, at 10 P. M. Eastern. The following season will have ten episodes and each episode will be 30 to 40 minutes long. The creators of the show will air the show on a weekly basis, every Sunday to keep their audience entertained.
Recap of the previous episode
The sixth episode of Insecure was titled “Tired, Okay?!” We saw how stressed Issa was, and she was thinking about a series of violent and destructive ways to let out her frustrations. She, then, opens her social media and she saw on Lawrence’s feed that her ex-beau has travelled to Los Angeles to spend quality time with his new son Elijah. She was devasted by this news and as a result, she could not control her emotions.
Being emotionally hurt affected Issa’s relationship with Nathan, and she was forcing him to say that he loved her. She is having a hard time, work seems to be problematic because a newcomer rejected her to be a part of her Black artist art walk when Crenshaw spoke ill of Issa, she faced more disappointment when she faced Crenshaw, and she is having a nightmare where Condola is beating the crap out of her and starting a new life with Lawrence and their baby.
By the end of the episode, Issa faces Nathan about him not saying he loves her and he complaints about how his co-workers are not serious about their work and wants to leave his job, but Issa assumed that he wants to break up with her because she wants to take things slow. And, the episode came to an end where Issa was pondering over her dreadful personal and professional life.
Plot speculation
The forthcoming episode of Insecure will be titled “Chillin’, Okay?!” In this episode, we will see that Issa and the girls will sit together and listen to Issa’s rant about her work and love life. We will also get to see some party games where the ladies will be persuaded to talk about their ongoing love life. We can also expect that Lawrence might arrive at Issa’s home with his newborn baby Elijah to surprise Issa.
Where to watch?
The episodes of Insecure can be watched on television at 10 P. M. Eastern on HBO on the respective date of release. The episodes of Insecure is also available on HBO Max as well. HBO Max is one of the options to watch the show online but if you do not have an active membership on that platform then it can be watched on other platforms such as DirecTV, Xfinity Stream, Spectrum, and YouTube TV. People who have Hulu can watch it as well, all they have to do is add HBO Max to their active plan. It can also be watched on Amazon Prime Video, iTunes, Vudu, Google Play, and Microsoft Store but only the previous seasons are available here.