The true-crime-based documentary show Deadly Women was initially outback on Discovery Channel in 2005. This television series primarily focused on dangerous female murderers, as the name suggests. The show drawed inspiration from a 2003 documentary movie named Poisonous Women.
After airing in 2005 went on a three-year halt and resumed back in 2008 by telecasting its show regularly on the Investigation Discovery channel. Beyond International was responsible for producing the series in Australia. With that being said, in this article, we will share about this young woman whose case got aired in the 10th episode of season 12 of Deadly Women and how she got into the horrendous act of killing.
Who is Brittney Dwyer?
Brittney Dwyer was a young girl that got her interest in violence and killing people at a young age. She was naturally drawn towards graveyards and cemeteries and often went there and had knives and blood on it. This eventually affected her thoughts and her being emotionless towards others.
Brittney shared a close bond with her grandfather Robert Whitwell, and she had no plans of undertaking the dreadful act until she learned about his massive fortune that he hid in the shed one day. This pulled the greed out of her, and she was drawn towards getting the wealth at any expense. She plotted the plan to steal the money, and her friend Shelby Lee Holmesbut failed to acquire any cash.
Brittney was restless and wanted the fortune by any means, so she befriended Bernadette Burns and got him in her gruesome plan. While driving towards her grandfather’s home, Brittney felt like dropping the plan, but Bernadette convinced her again. The duo reached, with Brittney going inside and spending time with him and Bernadette waiting for the right time inside the car. As the time to leave approached, Brittney stabbed Robert in the throat, leaving him to gasp for air.
During the investigation, initially, Brittney was the last to be accused in the case, and a lesser number of witnesses and suspects made the case even more complicated. But soon after someone tipped the police, the duo got arrested.
Where is Brittney Dwyer Now?
Since Brittney was accused under the circumstances- unethically invading the house and killing her grandfather, she was sentenced to a lifetime of jail in 2017. Still, to be eligible for parole, she had to spend a minimum of 20 years and 6 months in prison. Owing to this fact, it is fair enough to assume that she is still serving her punishment behind bars. For Bernadette, the punishment was for 13 years and 6 months minimum to be eligible for parole.
What was the Season 12 Episode 10 of Deadly Women About?
The episode was titled The Takers and showcased three cases. The first case involved Kirsten Stephens killing her husband Charlie in 2014 in lieu of getting his insurance money. She was sent to prison to serve a lifetime. The second case comprised of Brittney Dwyer from Australia, where she killed her grandfather Robert Whitwell, with whom she shared a close bond, by stabbing him till death along with her friend Bernadette Burns.
She wanted the money that he hid in the shed. Both got to serve the prison, Brittney for a minimum of 21 years and Bernadette for 13 years and 6 months before getting parole. The last case was about a couple Iryn and Joe, who ran a garage and had a good employee named David O’Dell with them. But when Iryn wanted her children from an earlier relationship to come with them, the couple plotted a plan and used David.
They bought his house, took out a life insurance policy on him, and eventually killed him by burning down his house back in 2016. The accused have been given imprisonment for 23 years.
Where to Watch it?
This crime investigation documentary can be viewed on Fubo TV and Hulu Plus. One can even purchase or rent the episodes of Deadly Women for streaming on iTunes, Vudu, Google Play Movies, and Amazon Instant Video. All the seasons with their respective episodes are available.