Deadly Women is the American true crime-based television series that tells the story of real women undertaking cold-blooded, perfect murders ever in mankind’s history. The story is told by reporters, detectives, and crime writers throughout the show. It originally premiered on Discovery Channel in 2005 with three episodes but then went on a hiatus for almost three years. In 2008 it made its re-entry on investigation Discovery channel as a regular show.
The show gets its inspiration from a short documentary movie named Poisonous Women of 2003. Let’s see one of such dangerous women named Kristin Stephens, whose case got portrayed in season 12, episode 10- The Takers.
Who is Kristin Stephens?
Kristin Stephens lived with her husband Charles Stephens in Missouri. Although they appeared to be a normal couple on the outside, their marriage was in trouble due to money constraints. Kristin was a gambling addict and had led to huge debt on Charles, including their home. The couple was often heard fighting by the neighbors, even on trivial matters. But on the outside, Charles always greeted people with a smile and stood upfront to help them.
But one night in 2014, Kristin came running and banged on their neighbor’s door to claim that her husband has been murdered. This shocked the people around as everyone preferred Charles, and no one potentially disliked him. He was shot at multiple spots and left to bleed to death. Kristin claimed that she had no idea about the incident as she wasn’t home all day and suggested it be the case of robbery.
But as the case was being investigated, the worsened relationship between Charles and Kristin came into the light owing to their monetary hassle. Throughout the investigation, Kristin present contradicting statements and went on to become inconsistent. Her extra-marital affair also surfaced, making suspicion stronger on her.
Later on, ransacking Kristin’s place, they recovered a gun that she used to shot Charles. It was proved that her DNA is the only one present on the crime weapon. Based on all the pieces of evidence, the police issued the warrant against her and put her behind bars.
Where is Kristin Stephens Now?
When initially charged for murder, Kristin begged for her innocence in the court. But as the evidence clearly stated her involvement in the murder, she was convicted for homicide and armed motion. She was sentenced for a lifetime of imprisonment without any possibility of parole. This clearly indicates that she is serving the jail as of now.
What was Episode 10 of Deadly Women Season 12 About?
The tenth episode of the 12th season has been titled The Takers. The episode showed three cases. First involved Kirsten Stephens, who lived in Missouri with her husband, Charle. Owing to her gambling addiction and greed to get money out of her husband’s insurance, she killed Charlie in 2014, for which she served a lifetime in jail.
The second case is about an Australian woman named Brittney Dwyer who killed her grandfather Robert Whitwell to get his hidden fortune despite sharing a good bond with him. She was accompanied by her pal Bernadette Burns in the dreadful act in 2016. Both were charged for lifetime imprisonment with a minimum of 21 years for Brittney and 13 years for Bernadette.
The last story was about a couple comprising of Joe and Iryn, who and their employee David owned a garage. But as Iryn planned to bring her children from her previous partner to the US, she had to make certain choices. Along with Joe, she bought the house from David and took out life insurance on him. Then one day in 2016, they killed him and burnt his house down. The couple has been sentenced to 23 years of imprisonment on the least.
Where to Watch it?
At present, the show can be streamed on Hulu Plus and Fubo TV by interested viewers for all seasons. Vudu, Google Play Movies, Amazon Instant Video, and iTunes are good alternatives for someone who would like to rent or buy the episodes. Currently, the show has a total of fourteen seasons to its credit.