The multi-generational hyper-stylized show, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is one of the most loved anime. Following the events in the Joestar family, they continuously fight against evil by using their bizarre and unique powers. The anime TV series adapts Hirohiko Araki’s manga of the same name. The first 12 episodes in the part 6 were dropped recently.
The manga from which it adapts its premise was first published in 1987. It has to date eight parts focusing on different locations and eras each in each one. A different Joestar family member fights the battle with Deo in each other.
When will Part 6 of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure be Release?
The first 12 episodes of part 6 were dropped on December 1, 2021. However, the number of episodes in total for this season is not confirmed yet. It is speculated that the current season will have more episodes, which may release after a hiatus. We need an official announcement from the producers’ side to know about its status.
Episode 13 is likely to be next in the lineup, but we do not have a word for it yet. Netflix dropped episodes 1-12 for Part 6 at once. In September this year, the streaming giant had revealed that it will release part 6 “monthly.” But, the media center from Netflix changed JoJo part 6’s listings, and it removed it from the “releasing monthly” catalog.
The episodes in part 6 will get their international release first. The television broadcast that will happen weekly in Japan will initiate in the winter 2022 anime season. The release date is scheduled to be on January 8, 2022.
Where can You Watch Part 6 of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure?
Upon its release in Japan, the native viewers can tune in to channel Tokyo MX to catch up with the episode upon its release. It will also get a TV broadcast BS11 and MBS on January 8, 2022. The episodes will release on Animax by January 22, 2022. Internationally, the first 12 episodes are distributed by the streaming giant Netflix, and it is now available for streaming.
Who is in the Cast of Part 6?
The main cast members for the part 6 of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean include Jolyne Cujoh by Fairouz Ai and Jotaro Kujoh by Daisuke One. Mutsumi Tamura voices Ermes Costello. Mariya Ise has voiced the Foo fighters (F.F.). Atsumi Tanezaki plays Emporio Alniño, Yuuichirou Umehara voices the Weather Forecast, and Daisuke Namikawa plays Narciso Anastasia.
What is the Plotline of Part 6?
In part 6, from the multi-generational Joestar family, Jolyne Cujoh will step as the star warrior fighting against Dio Brando’s disciplines. It launched the fighters in 2011, sunny state of Florida, within the prison, and previously in Italy. Jolyne has been subjected to a prison term of 15 years on the charges of murder.
Her father had passed on a pendant to her, which will stir the unique powers in her. He also tells her that Dio’s disciple landed her in prison to get killed; hence she must plan her escape.