The K-drama High Class, which premiered on original network tvN, will release its eleventh episode on October 11, 2021. Choi Byeong-gil directs a mystery drama, this South Korean TV series, and Storyholic scripts its plot. The series delves into the hypocrisy and dangerous lies that encircles women’s lives in elite circles of a given society.
High Class made a debut on September 6, 2021, and the episodes have a runtime of 70 minutes. The current season will have a total of 16 episodes and will end on October 26, 2021. With the eleventh episode next in line, here are few details you need to catch up with.
When and Where to Watch K-Drama High-Class Episode 11?
The 11th episode of K-Drama High Class is scheduled to release this coming Monday, October 11, 2021. New episodes of High Class drop on Mondays and Tuesdays. It premieres at 22:30 KST (Korean Standard Time). Since tvN distributes the K-drama, High Class is available for watching on tvN network. In selected locations, it is available for streaming on IQIYI.
Speculations for the Plotline of High Class Episode 11
The mystery around the death of the chairwoman has been a major concern in the past episodes. Each episode leaves the fans with a suspicious cliffhanger to lose their sleep over it. Some characters have been showing weird behavior, like Chef Jung, Danny Oh, and Ji Sun’s husband, probably there are hiding something huge. In the last episode, we see that now Yeo Wool is out of jail. Fans speculate that her husband, Ahn Ji Yong, maybe actually alive.
He had once even told her that he would come back soon. Does this foreshadow his possible return? It can only be revealed with the release of the next episode. For those who haven’t watched the K-drama yet, it is a mystery thriller drama that concerns the lives of the top 0.1% women of South Korea and the murder, lies, betrayal, and deception that encircles their lives.
The blame for the murder of her husband lands Song Yeo-ul in suspicion, and she ends up losing everything. She needs to find out who’s responsible and if her husband is still alive.
Who is in the Cast of K-Drama High Class?
The protagonist of the series, Song Yeo Ul, is played by Cho Yeo Jeong. Nam Ji Seon is played by Kim Ji Soo, Cha Do Yeong by Gong Hyun Joo, and Danny by Ha Jun. At the international school, Nam Ji Seon controls public opinion and is a star among mothers of children that attend the elite school. Park Se Jin plays the role of Hwang Na Yoon, and she is a single mother who is a true friend to Song Yeo Ul.
Cha Do Yeong is a former actress who is now a celebrity. She follows Nam Ji Seon to always be in the spotlight. Danny, a former ice hockey player, currently teaches at the elite school and is very caring to Song Yeo Wool.
You can catch up with the next episode of K-Drama High Class on October 11, 22:30 KST, exclusively on tvN.