Hospital Playlist is a South Korean drama show helmed by Shin Won-ho and scripted by Lee Woo-Jung. After Prison Playbook (2017–18), this was the next part in the Wise Life collection. Jo Jung-suk, Jung Kyung-ho, Yoo Yeon-Seok, Jeon Mi-do, and Kim Dae-Myung are among the cast members. From March 12 through May 28, 2020, the inaugural edition is broadcast on tvN each Thursday.
Following its debut on mainstream tv, every episode was made available on Netflix in South Korea and other English-speaking nations. The show has become the seventh greatest Korean drama in the digital network record at the end of that season. From June 17 to September 16, 2021, season 2 was premiered. Before you stream Hospital Playlist, make sure you know all there is to know about it.
What Our Critic Has To Say?
Hospital Playlist is among the most anticipated television shows of 2020, and if you liked Reply 1988, you’d love this one as well. Even though there isn’t numerous bad feedback for this tale, Hospital Playlist may not be for everybody. The story maintains a leisurely pace, with the tale being dragged out across the course of the show, most likely to accommodate the two following seasons.
The action begins to heat up at this point. Yes, this is indeed a piece of truth, and there didn’t seem to be anything to wait forward to in the following episode at times. There were many other times when the story became tedious. They did, however, skillfully manage the relationship such that it would not eclipse the companionship and did not become the show’s major emphasis.
They also did an excellent job with the combination of melody and plot and the memories of their previous lives. Finally, the show had a bunch of it when it came to performance because the cast was made up of the best of the best.
Storyline Without Spoilers
The general opinion is that most hospitals are dull, yet this is not the case. This hospital is both tranquil and interesting. You might wonder why this facility is so interesting. It’s all thanks to five physicians who have transformed the drab hospital corridors into vibrant shopping malls! Since medical school, they’ve been buddies, but now, owing to their careers as physicians, they’re even stronger!
The pals choose to start a group, but this presents a challenge because the singer has no prior performing knowledge. She looks like a dead animal when she performs! But, despite her horrible performance, her pals like her and believe the group will succeed!
Where To Watch
The show premiered on Netflix worldwide and is still accessible to watch there. We are not sure if the show will be available on other platforms or not.
Stream It Or Skip It
STREAM IT. Hospital Playlist is an odd mash-up of themes; however, the cast pulls it off admirably. Just be prepared for a rather intriguing opening episode.