The South Korean drama One The Woman, recently got aired on the SBS Television channel and has managed to keep the audience hooked with its two episodes released so far. The show was created by StudioS (SBS), penned by Kim Yoon, and is the directorial venture of Choi Hyeong-hun. It is a romantic comedy-drama that is also filled with mysteries throughout the story. Park Min-Yeop, Park Seon-Ah, and Han Jeong-Han are the producers, while Hong Seung-Chang and Jo Young-Hoon act as the executive producer for the show.
Cast in One The Woman
The main characters of the show comprise of-
- Kang Mi-na being portrayed by Honey Lee while her younger version was played by Kim Do-Yeon. She is a prosecutor by profession. She is Yumin Group’s daughter and has been married into the Hanji Group.
- Han Seung-Wook being portrayed, Lee Sang Yoon. He is an ex-boyfriend of Kang Mina and son of Chairman’s dead brother. The younger version of the character was played by Kim Young-Hoon.
- Han Seong-Hye is being portrayed by Jin Seo Yeon. She is the sister-in-law of the protagonist and a skilled businesswoman.
- Ahn Yoo-Jun being portrayed by Lee Won Keun. He is a friend to Kang Mina from a university they studied in for law and is a prosecutor by profession in Seopyeong.
Recap of Episode 2 of One The Woman
Episode 2 of One The Woman showcases that after suffering a fatal accident, Kang Mina, aka Yeon Joo, wakes up in the hospital. But she isn’t able to recognize anyone around her. She learns that she is actually the daughter of Yumin Group and is married into the Hanju group, and her name is Kang Mi Na. Her absurd behavior makes doctors run tests on her, and the results shock everyone. She is found to have lost all her memories.
Seeing this as a golden opportunity to enhance their behavior, her in-laws decide to fake their behavior by being all good and caring for her. But the reality is far more different than this. She soon comes to know about their evil nature when the house-help informs her about the plans of her in-laws to take hold of her money. Upon learning this, she decides to change for good and stop the atrocities of her in-laws.
All the strange things like the cold behavior of her in-laws, her being made to do all the household work, her unloving husband who doesn’t share a room with her, and how she isn’t allowed to go out of the house make her decision even firmer to change for good. She won’t be a weak victim to all the wrongdoings in her in-laws’ house but will fight her battle alone by coming out stronger.
Later in the episode, she comes to know about her ability to read and write in four different languages. During the prayer meeting, she finally lets out her anger and shocks everyone. Also, Seung Wook suspects the identity of Kang Mina as he isn’t able to find any scar on the latter’s arm, which she used to have previously. And he finally discloses her identity to the protagonist.
Episode 3 Speculations of One The Woman
Episode 3 of One The Woman will be full of drama and suspense. It will be seen that Kang Mi Na finally decides not to bear the actions of her in-laws. She chooses to dress up the way she prefers; she will set herself free from the household responsibilities by preparing not-so-good breakfast and ultimately does what her heart wants.
She also learns about the disloyalty of her husband towards their marriage. But instead of getting devastated and broken, she decides to come out stronger. Meanwhile, Han Seung Wook suspects the identity of Kang Mi Na and leads his investigation further. By making a sudden appearance at the company’s meeting as a shareholder, he surprises everyone.
But what will happen when Kang Mi Na gets attacked by a bunch of goons. Who wants to harm her?
Well, for that, you have to tune into the upcoming episode to find the answers!
Release Date For Episode 3 of One The Woman
After its premiere on September 17, 2021, One the Woman releases its subsequent episodes on Friday and Saturday on the SBS connection.
So the third episode of One The Woman will air on September 24, 2021, on the SBS network at 10.00 pm KST.