The South Korean drama series, The Second Husband, is the story penned by Seo Hyeon-Joo (The Angel’s Choice, Shining Romance), who returned to the position after six years of being directed by Kim Chil-bong. The director-writer duo is also the reason why the show is gaining immense popularity among viewers. Kim Heung-dong and Kim Hee-yeol have produced the romantic drama for Pan Entertainment, while Kim Seo-Joon is the executive producer of the show.
The show that stars Oh Seung-ah, Cha Seo-won, and Uhm Hyun-Kyung (the last two previously seen in the drama- Miss Lee)has a story that follows the life of Seon Hwa, who lived happily with her grandmother, boyfriend Sang Hyuk, and son Sae Byeok. Her life comes crashing down when she discovers about the affair of Sang Hyuk. Post her breakup, and she started to experience a series of unfortunate events.
Her loved ones began to die, and she got framed for a murder by Sang Hyuk and Jae Kyung, which she never committed. As a consequence, she was sent to jail. But as soon as she gets the bail, she avenges the deeds done to her. With such an exciting plot, the fans have been really waiting for more episodes to be out.
The viewers have been hooked to the show from the beginning since its premiere on August 9, this year, and as now the revenge arc has started, the fans are even more curious to see how the story progresses. Keep on reading to find out more about what episode 41 of The Second Husband has in store.
What can be Expected from Episode 41 of The Second Husband?
With the revenge plot just started in the show, Sang Hyuk and his girlfriend and Jae Kyung are expected to get what they deserve. The protagonist will be seen plotting for her revenge by meeting with Jae Min’s mother to take down Jae Kyung and also will create distress between sang Hyuk and Jae Kyung. The fact that both the culprits would be pulled down will begin Seo Hyun’s rise.
She could be seen faking to forgive her former boyfriend Sang Hyuk and meanwhile send threat calls and messages to Jae Kyung. This would lead the latter to believe that Sang Hyuk is trying to cheat on her and lead to chaos between the pair. Will Seo Hyun be able to fulfill her revenge for all the wrong doings done to her? The answer is to be found in the upcoming episodes. With so much drama happening, the fans are right to wait on their toes for episodes to release soon because we do too!
When will Episode 41 of The Second Husband be Out and Where to Watch it?
The upcoming episode is slated to release on Monday, October 11, 2021, at 7.15 pm KST on domestic fans’ MBC television networking channel. The episodes for the drama are released all days from Monday to Friday at the time mentioned above and are aired for a duration of 40 minutes.
For fans outside Korea, sites like Kocowa and Rakuten Viki are available to enjoy the show. The former is free and only limited to North and South American audiences, while the latter needs a standard subscription.