This is a South Korean TV series that was recently released on September 25, 2021. The show has its episodes released weekly on Saturdays and Sundays only.
What Is The Show About?
The story is about Lee Young (Ji Hyun Woo), who is a widower. He is not left with the three children. Lee is unable to get over the loss of his beloved wife. And since he’s unable to manage his kids, he hires someone to take care of them. He hires Park Dan, who would live in his place and would also help in tutoring the kids and taking care of them.
Lee is soon attracted to this woman. But Park is very determined to put forward a bright side of herself despite the circumstances that she’s going through.
Episode 21 Release Date
The episode is all set to be released on December 4, 2021. The episode will be available with its English subtitles. You can watch this episode on Dramacool.
What Can We Expect From This Episode?
Here we would see Sa Ra being upset again as Guk was supposed to marry her on Christmas Day, but he cannot remember anything now. He’s doubtful of his past decisions too. He regrets them immensely. While playing with his kids, he went to hide with Dan, and that’s when he saw her so closely, and he knew what he felt was the start of something new.
He told Sa Ra that there was something wrong with his heart as it started beating so fast on having Dan very close to him. Sa Ra was insecure but still couldn’t ignore the medical responsibility, so she took him for a checkup, but the results showed that the pounding was because of the excitement. What a sight for Sa Ra!!
How Does Sa Ra React?
She has sensed something wrong here, so she asks Dan to come to her first for anything rather than going too young. She even wanted Dan to not stay here but rather stay at her place, but young denied that, saying that the kids would not be able to put up with Dan staying away from them.
He even asked the kids if they would be able to stay with Sa Ra rather than Dan. But the kids didn’t take a moment to refuse, and that’s when Young had to keep Dan there, but Sa Ra had a condition. She wanted to be close to them, not Dan, as Sa Ra would be soon getting married, and it was her responsibility to stay close to the kids.
The Fight Between The Two Ladies
When Sa Ra saw how helpless Young was in front of his kids, she was really mad at him. She spoke to Se Chen about wanting to keep Dan out of her way and out of her house too. Even he explained how important it was for them to have her. He was very happy about being able to make a robot by himself, but he accidentally broke it too.