Craig McCracken, a well-known creator, created the show kid cosmic. The latter has also developed other animated shows such as the Power puff Girls, Dexter’s Laboratory, and Foster Home for imaginary friends. This is an animated series from the United States that covers the genre of superheroes and science fiction. This series is about a young boy who lives in a junkyard and his family in the southwest United States and has only one fantasy: gain superpowers. Eventually, his fantasy came true when he received five stones, referred to as “cosmic stones of power.”
When a spaceship landed in his area, he discovered these stones, and by obtaining the stones, he gets the superpowers he has always desired. He also has a motivation to use his superpowers to save the Earth from aliens. He forms a team with each person receiving a stone that grants them power, and the team includes kid’s: father and grandfather who can create countless clones of themselves; Rose, a four-year-old girl with the ability to transform into a 40-foot giant; Jo, who can levitate; and Tuna Sandwich, who can predict the future with a third eye.
Season 2 Release Date Might be Announced by September 2021
This show’s first episode aired in February of 2021. Season two of this series will be released in the same year, 2021. The season 2 release date is said to be in September, but according to the latest updates, the season 2 release date is expected to be announced in September. That both seasons will be aired in the same year is fantastic news. Netflix recently announced that season two would be released in September and that season three will follow soon after the release of season two, which is excellent news for fans of the show.
This is a Netflix original show. The first season was available on Netflix, and the second season is also expected to be premium on Netflix.
Trailer and Expected Plot of Season 2
The season 2 trailer is now available, and it provides a brief overview of how the season 2 story will unfold. The team will travel to space and try to survive while dealing with various things such as inevitable stars, threats, and many more. There will also be Marvel allusions throughout the show, making it more interesting to watch. In season 2, the kid learns what it means to be a leader and to stand by everyone in the team. The trailer is now available on Netflix and YouTube to help pass the time until Season 2 begins. Season 1 consists of ten episodes, with each episode lasting 20 to 30 minutes.
Voice Cast
This series features the voices of jack fisher as the kid, Amanda C Miller as Jo, Lily-Rose silver as Rosa Flores, Tom Kenny as Stuck Chuck, Fred Tatasciore as Tuna Sandwich, Keith Ferguson as papa G, and Kim Yarbrough as Jo’s mother, Christan Lanz as Rosa’s father, and Grey Gryphon as Carla.