The latest American drama series, La Brea, is premiered on NBC. This family drama is penned by David Appelbaum, which is broadcast on September 28, 2021. Keshet Studios and Universal Television did the production of this series. This emotional and suspenseful drama is the best choice to watch with family.
In this show, you see how a family got separated due to an unexpected disaster and how they reveal the covered mysteries of an ancient world. Are they able to meet in the end or not? Well, all the mysteries are revealed only when you watch this show. This is an amazing show it will land you in another strange world. And its episode 9 will be going to be more enthralling. So, read this article to take a brief idea about the release date, plot, and cast of La Brea Season 1 Episode 9.
Releasing Date
This show is aired on September 28, 2021, and now it has reached up to 9 episodes. Episode 9: Father and Son will be telecast on November 23, 2021, at 9 pm Eastern Time. Till now, all the eight episodes are exciting, so with no doubt, this episode will be going more exciting as this is the second last episode.
Know This before Watching E9
Season 1 of La Brea will end with 10 episodes, and right now, 8 episodes are on air. The story begins with a sinking hole that pulls many people and buildings in it. Gavin Harris lost his wife, Eve, and son, Josh, in that sinkhole and try to find them with his daughter, Izzy. On the other side, Eve and Josh landed in a strange world, where they tried to find a way to reach home.
With lots of thrill and suspense, Gavin and Izzy could make a way to meet their family with the help of a woman, Rebecca. From this point, some twists and turns take place, and this episode is going to be a cliffhanger.
Streaming – La Brea Season 1, Episode 9
This drama is officially broadcasting on NBC. Hence, you can watch new episodes only on NBC. After their broadcasting on that network, you can watch it on other streaming platforms. Some of them are such as Hulu and Peacock. It is quite disappointing that you can not watch this episode on Netflix and Amazon Prime Video. But don’t worry; we will update you when they come on these platforms.
Cast & Crew
David Appelbaum’s directed show La Brea includes many well-known television stars. Eoin Macken and Natalie Zea play the role of Eve and Gavin Harris. Zyra Gorecki and Jack Martin play Izzy and Josh’s role. Other La Brea’s cast members are as follows; Chike Okonkwo as Ty Coleman; Karina Logue as Marybeth Hill; Veronica as Riley Velez; and Rohan Mirchandaney as Scott Israni.
Guys!!! Are you excited to uncover the mystery of a primeval world and want to know whether they meet in the end or not? So, watch “La Brea” Season 1 Episode 9.