Letterkenny is a popular Canadian comedy series directed by Jacob Tierney. It originally began on YouTube but was later turned into television series due to its popularity in 2015. The first season of the show premiered in 2016, and it has completed ten seasons with high ratings.
The show has also received various awards, including the best comedy series and Canadian screen awards in 2017 for its amazing performance. Let’s have a look at the 11th season of this comedy series.
Season 11 Release Date
The 10th season of this show premiered on December 26 this week in the USA on Hulu Tv. All the episodes of the tenth season were released on the same day as the premier. The show also made an early debut in Canada on Crave media. Fans of the series would be happy to discover that season 11 is in the process and that shooting is almost complete.
While announcing the show’s tenth season in August 2020, the showrunner also confirmed that seasons 10 and 11 would be produced simultaneously. Production for the two seasons was completed in July 2021, and hence season 11 has already started.
As the show has recently released season 10, fans would have to wait longer for season 11. But as the shooting for the 11th season is almost finished, we can expect that season 11 will be released by March 2022.
Season 11 Cast
As the production and shooting of season 10 and season 11 were done together, we are expecting the same faces in season 11 also. We will continue to see Jared Keeso playing the Oleos Wayne and Nathan as Daryl. We will also see Dylan Playfair portraying the character of Reilly and Andrew Herr as Jonesy in the show.
The cast has done an amazing performance on the show and also won several awards for their acting in this series. We are also expecting some new faces in the next season.
Season 11 Plot
Season 10 concludes with the Hicks wasted driving down the street, calling each other by made-up nicknames. They finally get the Skids and the hockey players to join over assist them in gathering stones as the other of Letterkenny goes about their business. Aly and Bianca also ditch the players and goes around for fun.
Season 11 will almost certainly include the Hicks interacting with difficult men outside of Letterkenny. This might involve Dierks’ sturdy relatives from the town, or it might be a new bunch.
We can expect some action and clash scenes between French and Candian in the coming episode as Marie has spiked the flame in the show with her entrance. Given how well Wayne and Rosie have gotten along over the last several seasons, we should expect some problems in bliss in our hero’s loving relationship. Players and escape in search of a brighter horizon.
Where Can You Watch This Show?
This series is available to stream on multiple platforms, including iTunes. The show is officially released on Hulu Tv, so you can stream and enjoy all the previous season and the latest episode on the site. You can also watch the show on Amazon Prime Video and Apple Tv or rent it on Google play Tv & Movies.