Life’s a Glitch with Julien Bam is a comedy series in the German language. It is based on the adventures of Julien Bam and Koon Kim as they enter another dimension. The show was created by Shawn Bu, Julien Bam, Daniel Jacobs, Felix Charin, Heorg Ramme, and Joon Kim. The show displays the side effects of getting fame and being an influencer.
The show didn’t get many views due to its bad comedy and storyline, but many enjoyed it. Let’s have a look at what all Life’s a Glitch with Julien Bam Season 1 is about and what all you can expect from it.
Release Date of Life’s a Glitch With Julien Bam Season 1
The show was released on Netflix on October 21, 2021, and has a total of four episodes. Each episode had an average runtime of 32-36 minutes.
Julien Bam is very popular in Germany, and it is possible that his fame can attract a lot of audiences to the show. Season 1 of the show took eight months to get the production work done.
The Cast of Life’s a Glitch with Julien Bam Season 1
In the show, we saw Julien Bam, Juri Padel, Joon Kim, Madieu Ulbrich, Rebecca Soraya Zaman, Vivien Konig, Safira Robens, Andreas Dyszewski, Rauand Taleb, Leon Seidel, Jorge Gonzalez, Sebastian Moser, Uwe Donner, Trish Osmond, Lucas Brosch, Ozge Delioglan, Luciana Canglioti and Daniela Lebang.
What Is The Plot Of Life’s A Glitch With Julien Bam Season 1?
The show revolves around Julien Bam, a famous influencer, and Joon Kim when they yearn to return back to the normal world after getting stuck in a parallel dimension. The show has been rated TV-MA and is a Sci-Fi comedy show.
The four episodes have been titled- Bad Timing, Rap to Reality, Back to School, and LARP Is in the Air.
Reviews Of Life’s A Glitch With Julien Bam Season 1
The show has not received good ratings and reviews. On IMDb, it has been rated just 5/10 based on a few user reviews. Julien Bam, along with Joon Kim, gets into a parallel dimension. Julien Bam is no more famous there, but his sidekick- Joon Kim, is. So, here’s the twist. Reversal of popularity in the parallel worlds.
It can be said that the show is annoying, and it is high time the trend of Tiktokers and YouTubers trying their hand at comedy stops. It is absolutely nothing funny or humorous in the show, and it will be difficult for one to watch the entire series without getting up again and again.
The plot is a complete disaster. Random things have been added without any purpose. Such situations are shown in which a laugh has to be forced out of the mouth. Then there’s the Sci-Fi twist. The concept of a parallel dimension is appealing, but here it seems to be a misfit. Julien Bam tries to make something good with the plot but fails tremendously.
In all, the show can be skipped as it is way too boring. The plot and the characters are too weak and would be a complete waste of your 2 hours.
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