An animated series composed of several short stories viewed over the genres of science-fiction, horror, fantasy, comedy, etc is Love, death, and robots. Tim Miller is the creator of this series. Blur studio produced it. However, it has been compared to being the equivalent of animated Black Mirror.
Release Date And Streaming Platform
It can currently be streamed on Netflix, with the 3rd volume of the establishment being aired on 20th May 2022. It is one of the top-watched animated series on Netflix. Moreover, the series consists of separate stories animated by different animation firms over the globe. This article explains the sixth episode of the third season, Swarm.
Episode 6, Season 3: Swarm
At the beginning of the episode, Dr. Afriel is a researcher to understands the working of the vast cosmos and its species. The doctor arrives at the Swarm with a particular ecosystem study in his mind. However, the Swarm is a living space occupied by various alien species.
It is an astonishing living space that survived for millions of years, with unintelligent parasites that respond only to the central hive known as the Queen.
In the space, he is in contact with Dr. Galina Mirney, who has been in the Swarm studying the different species, their working, and the ecosystem for several years. However, he shows the different organisms present in the living space and how the queen hive fulfills the requirement of different types of species at a particular time.
Dr. Afriel, however, has different plans. He finds the ecosystem useful for the growth of humanity and aims to fulfill the requirement of humans by creating an artificial swarm in the human ecosystem. However, they plan on generating a slave race to fulfill the necessities of human life.
While, at first, being skeptical, Dr. Mirney agrees to help Dr. Afriel on his quest. However, they managed together to create an artificial egg to fulfill the plan of their project.