Love, Death & Robots, the animated Netflix television series, will premiere its third season on Friday, May 20th. The series follows different stories, each episode a standalone directed, produced, and written by a different cast and crew members.
Each episode shares a particular theme concerning the series title. It might not have all the three elements together every episode; but at least one of them serves as the episode’s main theme. Almost all the stories are adapted from pre-existing short stories available in the literature.
The series first started in March 2019 and has won several awards, including 11 Emmy Awards, 4 Annie Awards, and 1 Golden Reel Award.
What To Expect From Season 3?
Volume/Season III would have 9 episodes, all of them released on May 20th, 2022. Considering how the series is termed ‘adult animated anthology’ and how it spans different genres; including fantasy, science fiction, horror and sometimes comedy.
The first episode, titled ‘Three Robots: Exit Strategies‘, sees the return of the three robots from Volume I’s episode 2, who are still studying survival strategies in a post-apocalyptic world. Though the director is different from the first season, the studio producing the episode is the same – ‘Blow Studio’. It would be the first time the series would be releasing a sequel to a story episode.
Other stories of the season include one set on ocean grounds, in space, zombies, war and science, apocalypse, and other fantasy characters like God and Siren.
The production/animation studios that have worked for this volume include Blow Studio, Blur Studio, Polygon Pictures, BUCK, Titmouse Inc., Axis Studio, Sony Pictures Imageworks, and Pinkman. Tv.
Creators And Directors Credited In Volume III
The directors roped in for this instalment include Patrick Osborne, David Fincher, Emily Dean, Robert Bisi & Andy Lyon, Jennifer Yuh Nelson, Time Miller, Carlos Stevens, Jerome Chen and Alberto Mielgo. The stories is adapted from works by famous novelists like Neal Asher, Michael Swanwick, Justin Coates, Bruce Sterling, and Alan Baxter.
With such amazing names joined with the hit series, it is indeed of no doubt that this season will be just as amazing and entertaining as its predecessors.
Love, Death & Robots: Production
This series has David Fincher, Tim and Jennifer Miller, and Joshua Donen as its executive producer; with Blur Studio and Netflix Studios as the production houses. Each episode runs for around 6 to 18 minutes. All will release on the same day.
When And Where To Watch Volume III?
The third volume of Love, Death and Robots will release on May 20th only on Netflix.
Is There Another Volume In Store For Love, Death And Robots?
So far, there has been no news regarding the renewal of the series by Netflix. However, that is not to say that it has been cancelled. Depending upon the season’s reception and predicting after seeing the success of previous volumes, there is a high chance we might get another season.