Magnum P.I is an American action drama television series that was released on September 24, 2018, and is currently on air with Season 4. Eric Guggenheim created the series along with Peter M Lenkov. The plotline of the series revolves around Thomas Magnum, an ex-Navy SEAL, which turns into a private investigator.
The series shows Magnum’s operations as a private investigator, as well as the various twists and turns that he faces in the course of his service. Magnum P.i is a reboot of Magnum P.I, a series released earlier and directed by Glen A. Larson and Donald P. Bellisario, which was on the air from the year 1980 to 1988.
Justin Lin directs this reboot series, and the 4th season premiered on October 1, 2021. Currently, the series is all set for the release of season 4, episode 7, on November 19, 2021.
When Is It Releasing?
Magnum P.I was first released on September 24, 2018. Magnum P.Iis all geared up for the release of season 4, episode 7, on November 19, 2021.
Where To Watch It?
On CBS, episode 7 of Magnum P.I season 4 will be released on November 19, 2021, at 9:00 pm. The episodes are scheduled to air each Friday. Those who wish to stream the series online can head to the official website of CBS, where the series is available for streaming.
What Are The Plot Speculations Of Episode 7?
The plotline of the series revolves around Thomas Magnum, an ex-Navy SEAL, which turns into a private investigator. The series shows Magnum’s operations as a private investigator and the various twists and turns that he faces in the course of his service.
Magnum P.I season 4, episode 7 is titled ‘A New Lease on Death,’ and as per the official synopsis, Rick is ordered for a federal investigation which is of his childhood friend Robbie.
Magnum, on the other hand, launches his own investigation in order to find out what the federal agents have on him. Kumu, on the other hand, goes undercover for a covert operation in a community for the retired. It will be interesting to see what the episode holds in store for the audience and what new adventures await for Magnum.
What Happened In The Previous Episode?
Magnum P.I season 4, episode 6 is titled ‘Devil on the Doorstep,’ and the episode shows a journalist taking the help of Magnum in order to track down his anonymous source once he discovers that the source is nowhere to be found. Higgins is assigned a new task from the MI-6.
On the other hand, Rick’s old friend is under the radar of T.C as he is suspicious of Rick’s friend’s motives. The episode was full of surprising revelations and adventures that Magnum goes through in order to track down the anonymous source of the journalist.