Marvel’s Moon Knight is a new American television miniseries based on Moon Knight by Doug Moench and Don Perlin. The miniseries is created by none other than Jeremy Slater. The genre of the series is action-adventure, drama, psychological thriller, and superhero.
Each episode is of 40 to 50 minutes, and it will be released on Disney+ from the production company, marvel studio. The series is picked from the comic book by the writer Doug Moench, and the artist of the comic is Don Perlin. The name of the hero is the same as in the comic book.
Release Date
This miniseries, Marvel’s Moon Knight, will air on March 30, 2022, on Disney+ and will consist of six episodes. It will be part of phase fourth of the Marvel Cinematic Universe ( MCU).
Marc Spector / Moon Knight is played by Oscar Isaac. The Executive producer Kevin Feige stated that Marc Spector is “an action hero who jumps out of buildings and gets into fights.”
Arthur Harrow is played by Ethan Hawke. He is a cult leader who motivated Marc Spector to embrace the darkness in him. And not let the demons in his head win the war. David Koresh is Arthur Harrow’s inspiration, said Ethan Hawke. Anton Mogart / Midnight Man is played by Gaspard Ulliel; Donna is played by Lucy Thackeray, who is Grant’s co-worker, and even the Egyptian moon god, namely Khonshu, also shows up in the miniseries.
The Plot Of Marvel’s Moon Knight
Marc Spector is someone who wants to make money starts suffering from dissociative identity disorder, and this changes his life upside down. Marc Spector is drawn to deal with Egyptian gods, and this deadly mysterious twist is going to take forward the miniseries. He suffers from multiple identity problems, and one of them is Steven Grant.
As Steven Grant, he works at a gift shop as an employee, but soon he starts to experience blackouts and memories of another life. Moon Knight, Spector’s power gets enhanced during a full moon night; he can even get prophetic dreams and visions. The most astonishing and surprisingly interesting power that he has is to drain one’s powers from his or her body by just mere physical touch.
Moon Knight is a part of the Midnight Sons by Marvel Studio, who come as a team to fight the dangerous supernatural threats. This is an adventurous plot for everyone and at the same time quite heavy to take it. The plot is well thought written by a great writer, and presented by a notable artist.
Everything You Need To Know Before Watching
The Moon Knight is left for dead in the Egyptian desert, but fortunately, an Elder God from MCU, Khonshu, saves Spector and sets him to become a wealthy man and live his life better with superpowers. But Khonshu makes Spector do things that a marvel hero wouldn’t do.
Spector’s life changes from joining the US Marines to gaining supernatural power. Due to Spector’s dissociative identity disorder, he has many identities in him, and some of them are as a cab driver named Jake Lockley and even a millionaire playboy named Steven Grant.
What To Watch Before Watching Marvel’s Moon Knight
As the new marvel hero is making his debut, you don’t need to watch anything beforehand to understand the miniseries. But it might help if you watch The Eternals, released on November 5, 2021.
The director of the show said, “My movies are hard, serious, and about big topics, and we feel that Moon Knight is going to be like that. It’s going to be entertaining but also heavy”.
This miniseries deals with a person who suffers from a mental health condition and shows how he turns into a Marvel hero in the process. There will be a lot of disturbing scenes for the audience heavy, and emotion-targeted scenes as well because the show deals with mental health conditions and nocturnal vigilantism.
The series is definitely worth your time because the theme isn’t normal like other shows where the hero is good and does good, and the villain is bad. This time it’s the hero who does things that a normal hero wouldn’t do. The plot is breaking the rules, and that’s what the audience likes to see. Hopefully, the show will do well. So go stream it when it releases.