Moon Knight is an American miniseries based on the Marvel Comics of Moon Knight. Jeremy Stater created it for Disney+. It is the sixth in a long line of series produced by Marvel Studios in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or the MCU.
The story follows a man, Mark Spector, and his alternate personality, Steven Grant, both completely different character traits, and his deal with the Egyptian God of Justice, Honshu, to “Protect the Travelers of the Night.” It takes us through their adventures of stopping a god, Ammit, trying to resurface and take control of the world in her way.
Table of Contents
ToggleEnding Explained
The series came to a close with the airing of a sixth episode. And we got a rather solid ending with a confusing post-credit scene. Here is the explanation for both.
The reunion of Marc Spector and Steven Grant
Marc turns down the offer of paradise to reunite with Steven. Marc comes back to life with Osiris’ judgment and Konshu’s healing powers. Both Marc and Steven have equal control of the body as a team. This is shown by the seamless transition between the Moon Knight and Mr. Knight.
They strike a deal with Konshu and do his bidding one last time, promising to be freed after. Once Ammit is defeated, the free Steven and Marc wake up in the asylum they were in before. But now, they weren’t questioning reality, so the asylum started falling apart within itself. The two wake up to their simple daily life, and although Marc is not the biggest fan of Steven’s way of life, he doesn’t mind being part of it.
Layla’s Deal With Taweret
With the help of Taweret, Layla releases Konshu from his captivity in the Ushabti. She agrees to be Taweret’s temporary avatar and is given a pair of shiny wings to help the Knights in their final battle. Although Layla was reluctant, she embraced the avatar idea when she saw that an Egyptian superhero gave a little girl hope. As we don’t see her in the final scene, one can assume they went their ways post the battle.
Ammit Trapped In Arthur Harrow
With the help of the other gods, Layla, Moon Knight, and Konshu can bind Ammit to a half-dead Harrow. When Konshu orders Marc to kill Harrow, Layla pleads with him to see a better path. Thinking of the better, Marc orders Konshu to release him and do his bidding. We see Arthur later in a psychiatric hospital, an actual one.
The Post Credits
From the asylum, Harrow is picked up in a wheelchair and moved to a limousine, where he finds Konshu wearing a rather fashionable white tuxedo. Harrow, who speaks both for himself and Ammit, talks to Konshu about their past.
When Harrow tells him how Ammit is still alive in him and could be released, Konshu introduces him and us to Marc’s third identity. Jake Lockley. Jake, the Spanish-speaking brute that kills without question, shoots Harrow, ending the saga of Ammit.
Where To Watch
Moon Knight is available to stream on Disney+ as of right now.