Mr. Corman is an American television comedy series. This series, only 1 season, is released with 7 episodes and the set is all set for its 8th episode. This series is directed and written by Joseph Gordon-Levitt; and produced by Meg Schave, Inman Young, Pamela Harvey- White, and Sally Sue Biesel- Lander. The story is about a teacher named Mr. Corman, who teaches in San Fernando Valley.
Worth Watching or Not
Mr. Corman has received a mixed review over the internet since its episode 1. In this series, we will see drama and comedy. It’s season 1 till the episode was rated 63% on Rotten Tomatoes and 6.3 out of 10 on IMDb by the viewers. This series didn’t receive many views, maybe because it was released for the first time, or it has only released a few episodes.
Just by watching few episodes, it is difficult to give any remark or predict whether this show is worth watching. It can be a lovely show or maybe not. So we must wait for all its episodes to be released and then say anything about the series.
Expected Release Date of Episode 8
In February 2021, Apple TV+ announced its new series MR. CORMAN. On August 6, 2021, this series was released by Apple TV+ with two episodes. Only episode 1 and 2 were released together; from episode 3, all its episodes are released weekly every Friday. Its upcoming episode 8 will release on September 17, 2021. And its final episode is expected to be released on October 1, 2021, if it doesn’t face any delay.
Expected Plot
Episode 8 is titled “Hope You Feel Better.” We might see the days when the covid-19 pandemics were started. Josh’s uneasiness, fear, and strange behavior will be proven helpful at that time. He might begin teaching students from an online mode.
Victor will face some difficulty and exchange a heated argument between Josh and him. Then Josh might think that he would get infected by the virus and went to his mother’s home and quarantined himself for 14 days. We might also see Josh have an argument with his mother for Larry.
Expected Cast
The expected cast member who can be seen in Mr. Corman episode 8 is Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Josh Corman. A teacher in a public school in San Fernando Valley. Hugo Weaving as Josh’s father. Artie Debra Winger as Josh’s mother. Ruth Corman Shannon Woodward as Josh’s sister.
Elizabeth Corman Juno Temple as Josh’s former girlfriend. Dax’s childhood friend Megan Logic as Josh’s friend and a social media influencer. Dax Arturo Castro as Josh’s friend and roommate. Victor Amanda Crew as Josh’s co-worker and an art teacher. Ms. Perry-Geller Veronica Falcon as a co-worker at school. Beatriz Emily Tremaine as Lindsey, Jamie Chung as Emily, Lucy Lawless as Meghan’s mother Cheryl. We might see some more characters to continue or join for episode 8.
Where to Watch
Mr. Corman is an Apple original series and is only released by Apple. Its season 1, seven episodes, and upcoming episodes can only be watched on Apple. Apple TV+ also provides few days of the free trial, so this series is also available there.