The crime drama from America, Narcos: Mexico, released its third season recently on Netflix. The show has been created by Chris Brancato, Doug Miro, and Carlo Bernard, who also serve as the director of the show. It stars names like Diego Luna, Michael Peña, José María Yazpik, Ernesto Alterio, Alyssa Diaz, Matt Letscher, Tenoch Huerta Mejía, Joaquín Cosío among various others.
Eric Newman, Carlo Bernard, José Padilha, and Doug Miro have been credited for executively producing the show. The original Narcos series spanned for three seasons, and so will the Mexican series, with its next season unlikely to occur. Let’s find out if the last installment is worth our time or not!
What Do Critics have to After Completing Season 3?
The crime saga has kept its fans hooked so far and has gained good reviews from the critics for its previous seasons as well. Its first season was given a 80/100 score by the Metacritic website while a 89% rating on the Rotton Tomatoes, thus overall making it a good watch. The subsequent seasons have also gained a similar response. The latest installment also marks an appropriate ending to the franchise. The season has lots of twists, action-packed scenes, and double-crosses, which makes the emotion of realism unparalleled.
The stellar cast has yet again left an impressionable mark with their performances. The story has commendably covered topics like poverty, politics, press freedom, and corruption in the government and business arena that are rare to be seen in other shows of similar genres. The scenes have been cohesively placed so that the audience can feel realism about the incidents, and no doubt the makers have nailed it! This show has got it all.
What is Season 3 of Narcos: Mexico All About?
The story for season 3 revolves around the struggle of solo cartels for their survival amidst the political unrest and violence and ultimate rise in the drug mafias and the conflict among them that till date has its effect.
Is it Worth Watching?
Season three has taken a good take on telling more of the story about its characters and cooperative action play. Unlike the previous season, which was filled with lots of ground play, the latest installment is a slow and progressing story making it a suitable ending for the franchise. The refreshing take on choosing the narrator as the journalist Andrea Nunez was interesting to watch compared to its predecessors.
Justice has been given to each character in the story, and direction by Wagner Moura has also been rightly commended. Thus, all in all, the show is a must-watch and makes an apt ending to this drug war tale.
Where can Season 3 of Narcos: Mexico be Streamed?
The series aired on Netflix on November 5 this year, with all its episodes that can be binge-watched. There are a total of 10 episodes in the season, with each episode ranging between 40-60 minutes in duration. The subscription of the platform becomes necessary to stream as well as download the episodes.