Nash Bridges is an American police-based series released on March 29, 1996, till May 4, 2001. It consists of 122 episodes in total. It was aired on CBS.
Fans have loved this series dearly. The power play of Criminology and witty policemen just blends with the clouds of reality which makes the fan wonder if it is based on a true story.
Was It A True Story?
Fans have always wondered if all that shown in the series has actually happened or not? They wonder if the series is based on a true story. So, the answer to the most-awaited question is that, unfortunately, the show is solely fictional and is not based on any true story. This might have hurt a lot of fans, but it’s the truth, and the truth is never easy because if it is easy, then it is not true. Right fans?.
Interestingly, the whole existence of this series is based on an incident that is TRUE! “I was hanging out at his house (Thompson’s), and he allowed to me that he was broke.” Said Johnson. “And I had this 22 episodes commitment with CBS. It was probably 3:00 AM in the morning, and I just said, “let’s just conjure up something, and I’ll take it to CBS and see if we can get it done.” That’s how the show was found raw. Rest you know the history!
The show got so popular in the long run, and the fans had also got used to it in their usual routine. However, despite its long and favored run, the show came to an end due to a clash between CBS and Paramount.
But Greg Beeman’s movie of the same name gave new life to the series. The movie is usually seen as a revival of this series. It is based on bridges and Dominguez, who are now investigators for the special investigation unit. The return of Johnson and Marin can be seen as a wonderful surprise for the fans of the original series.
The show is about two policemen among whom one is always climbing the ladder of success in his professional life but lacks the same in his personal life. He is a divorced guy with a troublesome, fiery teenage daughter with whom his relations are not quite good. On the other hand, the second guy is always prone to falling for the fraud scheme of money double. Both the men have each other’s back.
Bridges is a man with style; his handcuffing tricks make him the strongest, whereas Dominguez’s witty nature makes him the intellectual one. Both of them together form the strongest team to combat the rising crimes in the city. But the question is that would they be able to maintain their personal life along with their hectic professional life as well?.
The series features Don Johnson, Cheech Marin, James Gammon, Jeff Perry, Jaime P Gomez, Mary Mara, Kelly Hu, Yasmine Bleeth, Wendy Moniz, and Cress William.
Review Of The Audience
As per the audience, the show is simply gold! The actors have done a phenomenal job. The script is to the point, and the pinch of sarcasm and seriousness is just perfect. The show is directed so well that it made the fans wonder if it is based on a true story which itself makes it one of the best American Criminal series.
Also, the fact that it is surprisingly renewed through a movie makes it seems like it was written on the wall for this show to get alive.