Manifest series was created by Jeff Rake that is based on American supernatural drama television series that aired on NBC on September 24, 2018. It revolves around the passengers and crew of a commercial airliner who reappeared after being missing for more than five years.
Is Manifest Based on a True Story?
The story of the manifest story is not exactly true, but the true events of some people inspire it.
Netflix Surprises for Fans by dropping Manifest Season 3
Following its high-stakes Season 3 finale, Manifest has had a rollercoaster journey over the last few months. The show was canceled by NBC just days after the third season concluded on a series of major cliffhangers, yet it dominated Netflix. When only the initial two seasons were available, it gets top ranking on Netflix’s Top 10 for weeks, and the #SaveManifest movement hashtags were going on social media.
After that, Season 3 finally arrived on Netflix, and the Manifest series got back into the Top 10 while fans speculate on when Season 4 will be announced. The initial two seasons of Manifest were streaming on Netflix from June 2021 onwards; with the successful TRP of the last two seasons, another series is also added, but the show’s popularity was almost instantaneous. As is usually the fact, those who appreciated the show got into the two seasons in little time and started exploring out the third and waiting for the fourth season.
Is there Going to be a Manifest Movie?
In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Rake discussed the revival of Manifest. “An entirely new legion of Manifest fans is forming right now. It’s incredibly rewarding for me as the creator, my producers, and the cast to take this brand to a new level with an entirely new fan base”. Is it perplexing? Yes.
How strange it is for a show to appear to be at the end of its run and then suddenly become Netflix’s most popular series, but the interview was before the news of NBC and Netflix was planning for Manifest series back on Netflix. So, now we will not say anything about this. We can just hope for the best.
Why NBC Cancelled Manifest Season 4?
We honestly don’t know the exact reason why NBC didn’t resume the series. But rumors are cancellations, and renewal conclusions normally came based on audience reviews and ratings.
Review of Manifest Series
When it comes to the ratings and reviews for Manifest, the average audience has dropped from 6.5 million in season 1 to 3.1 million in season 3. Meanwhile, the average rating in season one was 1.25, and by the end of season three, it had dropped to.47.
Manifest Season 4 Expected Releasing Date
Frankly, there is no official announcement about the releasing date of Season 4. But, after the sci-fi production covered the Netflix charts, fans expect that there are little possibilities that the producers of the series may give an exciting story in the coming season.