Old Enough is originally a Japanese variety show falling under the reality show genre as well. It got released in 1991, and its original network was Nippon TV. Netflix is now letting the audience steam this series. The series is chiefly educational and highlights every aspect of Japanese culture from their food, dress code, habits, environments, and more. If you love Japanese culture and want to know more about it, this series is a must-watch.
Suddenly there is much hype about this series, mainly because in this series, toddlers are left to follow simple errands, and we all are amused to see how they perform in front of the camera.
Is It Based On Real-Life Incidents?
This show is accurate as there is no script at all present. Do you even think that toddlers will be able to perform as noted by the production house? No. They will do whatever they desire. This is indeed a wholesome show, and if you are planning to have some quality time, then the series is the best. The kids all need to follow straightforward errands but their gestures and performances are sweeter and more entertaining.
The children are 2 years old, so it is all true and fun to watch them live.
Why Should You Watch It Anyway?
There have been only 20 episodes released on Netflix, and it has already been able to attract a lot of people. You have an ample number of historic, romantic comic series or more to stream online, but this series is indeed out of the box, which is why there is so much craze.
This reality show has already been a hit in Japan, and now, after watching it, you will start loving it and know why is it so famous.
Cast And News About Another Season
The cast of this series are Hiroko Moriguchi, ShinsukeChikaishi, George Tokoro, YuikaMotokariya, Megumi, Kanako Irie, Kanako Momota, Eiji Wentz, Hisako Manda, Katsumi Takahashi, Shigeru Muroi and a few more.
The series aired on 12th March 2021 on Netflix, and the love for it has already raised the question of whether or not there will be a season 2 of this series as well but do know that there has been no such news as of now, so it is better to wait and see what awaits us all I the future.
Ratings And Reviews
The series has secured a rating of 8.1/10 as per IMDb. This is enough to prove that the series is a must-watch. Most of the reviews are positive; after all, who will not love the sober and straightforward nature of the children?
It is surprisingly new and charming, and the episodes are mere 15 minutes long. You can watch all the episodes of this season in one day, so start streaming it online. For more such news and updates, follow us.