Only Murders in the Building is an American comedy-mystery drama series that was first aired on August 31, 2021. The show is critically acclaimed and has received positive reviews so far. The plotline revolves around three strangers whose characters are played by Selena Gomez, Martin Short and Steve Martin who are obsessed with a true-crime podcast and the murder in their building gives them an opportunity to follow the investigation and start their own shows.
The episodes have are being released on a weekly basis and the 6th episode of Only Murders in the Building is all set to release on 21st September 2021. Even though the series is only 5 episodes old, it has gathered a good fan base and viewership as well as positive reviews from critics so far.
When is Episode 6 Releasing?
Only Murders in the Building was first aired on August 31, 2021, on digital streaming platform Hulu. It was also premiered on Disney+ on the same day and the series is also available on Disney+ Hotstar in selected areas starting from September 3, 2021.
The series had an international release and episodes are supposed to be released on a weekly basis. A total of 5 episodes have been released and the series is all set for the release of its 6th episode on September 21, 2021. The episode can be streamed directly on Hulu and Disney+.
All You Need to Know: Cast, Plot, And What to Expect?
The plotline revolves around three strangers whose characters are played by Selena Gomez, Martin Short and Steve Martin who are obsessed with a true-crime podcast and the murder in their building gives them an opportunity to follow the investigation and start their own shows.
So far, the main characters are introduced to each other and each of them tries to look into Tim’s death in their own ways with their personal problems running parallelly. Episode 6 will show Mabel visiting her childhood home with her friends while on the other hand, Detective Williams will start to have doubts regarding the case as she prepares for motherhood. The series will be aired for a total of 10 episodes namely:
- Episode 1- True Crime
- Episode 2- Who is Tim Kono?
- Episode 3- How Well Do You Know Your Neighbours?
- Episode 4- The Sting
- Episode 5- Twist
- Episode 6- To Protect and Serve
- Episode 7- The Boy From 6B
- Episode 8- Fan Fiction
- Episode 9- Double Time
- Episode 10- Open and Shut
The main cast of Only Murders in the Building comprises Steve Martin who plays the character of Charles -Haden Savage, Martin Short who plays the character of Oliver Putnam, Selena Gomez who plays the character of Mabel Mora, Aaron Dominguez who plays the character of Oscar and Amy Ryan who plays the character of Jan.
Other cast members include Vanessa Aspillaga, Julian Cihi, Jackie Hoffman, Jayne Houdyshell, Nathan Lane, etc. The series also had guest appearances such as Tina Fey, Maulik Pancholi, Sting, and Adriane Lenox.