Peacemaker is an American TV series created by James Gunn, and it is the first show in the DCEU. This show is set after the events of the film. The series presents a magnificent cast that looks into small details to make the scenes and characters iconic.
Recap Of The Previous Episode
The previous episode of Peacemaker started gloomily with Chris still reminiscing his brother, Keith. However, Egly, his sidekick, motivated him with a morning hunt.
As the episode progressed, we saw how, with the help of a PPT created by Economos, Murn informs the team about Alan Kupperberg, the CEO of Waresoft and Vandalia, who died in a plane crash year ago. The doctors found tiny insect-like organisms inside their heads that weren’t from Earth. A covert team performed a search and found out that these creatures had infected several high profiled people throughout the country.
They realized that these organisms enter their host through an orifice, and then they make their way to the human brain, and these creatures enhance the abilities of human beings and provide them superhuman strength.
The team found a vicious amber fluid, and according to the lab results, this fluid doesn’t belong to Earth, and someone or something is creating this fluid. Murn suspected this fluid is originated from Glan Tai and sent a team to collect concrete evidence.
Detective song went to the couple who testified against Auggie revealed that they lied in their testimony, and Song let go of Auggie with the plan of arresting Chris.
Detective Song collects Auggie’s fingerprints matches them with the one’s found at the crime scene, realizing he was innocent. Therefore, it could mean that Chris is a possible suspect for Annie’s murder.
The White Dragon is behind bars, and his anger reaches its boiling point. However, Murn dealt with the situation by seeking help from Amanda Waller, who sends Captain Locke to take care of the mess. Locke denied Song’s request and informed the jail management that Auggie’s fingerprints matched with the one found at the crime scene.
We saw the team infiltrating the Glan Tai company, and Chris used his X-ray helmet to find the infected ones and found all of the workers were infected; without any second thoughts, Chris shot them. The team checked a box and found the same fluid. Someone pressed the alarm; Vigilante and Harcourt started running for their lives, but they got stuck in a locker room, and there they were attacked by Charlie the Gorilla, who was infected as well.
The Expected Plot
In the upcoming episode of Peacemaker, we will see how Auggie spent his time in prison framed by Economos; Auggie swore to take revenge as the armoured supervillain, The White Dragon. We will also see how Leota Adebayo has made a shocking discovery about Clemson Murn, the leader of the Project Butterfly task force exterminating the insect-like organisms who are infecting people around the world is an undercover butterfly.
Release Date
The sixth episode of Peacemaker is titled ‘ Murn After Reading’, and it will release on 3rd February 2022, at 12:01 A. M. PT and 3:01 A. M. ET. The episodes of the show are released every week.
Where To Watch?
The show is available to watch only on HBO Max in the US at the mentioned time. However, the show is available to watch only in the US. People who reside outside the US can wait for the show to be available on other OTT platforms, as James Gunn is looking for ways to be available to the fans of the DC fandom across the globe.