Planet of apes is an American science-fiction media series; consisting of movies, series, and comics focused on juggling control between intelligent apes and people. The franchise’s first movie was released in 1968, about 54 years from the current year. Since then, the franchise has been weighing in a lot in the creative culture. After the movie’s success in 1968, there was the creation about 4 sequels. The sequels would include Beneath the Planet of Apes (1970), Escape from the Planet of Apes (1971), Conquest of the Planet of Apes (1972), and Battle for the Planet of Apes (1973).
Planet of Apes has an immersive effect on the viewer; and this article seeks to guide the first-timers in enjoying the experience of the franchise.
Watching Planet of Apes According To The Timeline In The Movies: –
Rise of the Planet of Apes – Released in 2011, the movie shows the origin of the intelligent apes who plan to rule the world in further movies. The movie witnesses the experiments of a scientist William Rodman aiming to find a cure for Alzheimer’s disease is testing a drug on chimpanzees in the lab of Gen-Sys.
Dawn of the Planet of Apes – Released in 2014, the movie’s course is set about 10 years after the events of Rising of the Planet of Apes. The movie witnesses the drug used for enhancing the apes’ intelligence; also have a side effect, the flu, on the human population, which can cause a major eradication of the population.
War for Planet of Apes – Released in 2017, planned in the few months after Dawn of the Planet of Apes release. As mentioned in the title, the movie shows an armed confrontation between humans and apes. The movie was determined to be the conclusion of its main character, Caesar.
Planet of the Apes (1968) – The movie, which started it all, was released about 50 years earlier. It is the original movie that brought the further sequels to life. The Planet of the Apes begins with 3 astronauts landing on an unknown planet during their venture through the stars. It is now discovered that the planet originally belonging to humans is now ruled by the apes.
Beneath the Planet of Apes (1970) – The sequel to the first movie shows the story of one of the three astronauts, the only current survivor, Brent. The movie shows Brent reaching into the forbidden zone; and discovering a species similar to his, but mutated, worshipping a deadly device.
Escape from the Planet of Apes (1971) – The third movie released in the franchise plays around the rather conclusive end of the movie Beneath the Planet of Apes, where wide-range destruction is noticed. It witnesses two apes using Taylor’s device to travel to 1973;when the planet’s destruction had begun to prevent the same. The story further leads to focus on the escape of Dr. Zira and her husband with their unborn child as they try to escape the Planet of Apes.
Conquest of Planet of Apes (1972) – Dr. Zira’s child, who is named Caesar, Caesar is the only intelligent ape left on the planet who is eventually captured which leads to an uprising.
Battle for Planet of Apes (1973) – This movie brings a conclusive end to the franchise.