Ragdoll is the latest thriller series that began airing on AMC+ recently on November 11, 2021, and is yet to be telecast on Alibi in the UK. The show has been created as well penned by Freddy Syborn and draws inspiration from Daniel Cole’s novel of the same name. Lizzie Rusbridger has produced the show, and Lee Morris, Freddy Syborn, and Sally Woodward Gentle are its executive producers.
The plot revolves around the killer who intends to finish six people on his list and sew their bodies like a Ragdoll. So far, the show has garnered fairly decent reviews with 86% score on Rotten Tomatoes and is sure to satiate the urge of people who are hard-core genre fans!
When will Episode 3 of Ragdoll Season 1 Release?
The third episode for season one of Ragdoll will be released on Thursday, November 25, 2021, on AMC+. Each episode has a duration of 44-45 minutes and follows a weekly release pattern every Thursday. Three more episodes are remaining to conclude season 1 of the show.
Where to Watch Episode 3 of Ragdoll Season 1?
The upcoming episode can be watched on the official network AMC+ on the date mentioned above. The release time varies according to the region. In the US, it will air at 12.00 pm PT, in Canada at 3.00 am ET, and around 6.00 pm AEST in Australia. The last two countries have AMC+ available on Apple TV and Amazon Prime Video for enjoying the show.
For audiences residing in the UK, the wait is the only option as Alibi is yet to declare the release date for episode 3 of season 1 Ragdoll.
What to Know Before Watching Episode 3 of Ragdoll Season 1?
The upcoming episode hasn’t been given a title so far, and it will show how Rose’s behavior is under the radar of everyone, so much, so Lake gets informed about the same from someone and soon realizes that she had come in contact with the Ragdoll killer. All this might end up disappointing her, and she might be seen questioning the same. And owing to the fallout they had in the earlier episodes, matters can get worse.
Meanwhile, Baxter will be seen giving protection to one of the victims but unfortunately fails in doing so. All this implies that the Ragdoll killer is spreading its terror and seems to be unstoppable.
What Happened in Episode 2 of Ragdoll Season 1?
In episode 2 of Ragdoll, the detectives closely analyzed the mayor’s death to know more about the Ragdoll killer. They also tried predicting that the subsequent target could be Nick Hooper. With the help of CCTV video, the detectives captured Paul Copley, who later ran away from the custody by stabbing himself. Meanwhile, Nick Hooper and his pal Gina come to know about the former’s presence on the killer list, and they escape.
Rose continues to hunt down the killer using the Bible, and Lake gets a tattoo to investigate the case further. The tensions built up further when Officer Chambers wasn’t found anywhere, and her fingerprints matched one of the bodies of the dead victims. Infuriated, Rose challenges the murderer who threatened to kill Baxter.
Baxter and Rose, on discovering that Nick was in custody, rushed to speak to him. Still, the latter gets his throat cut by the lawyer Alyssa, who ends her life eventually towards the end of the episode as Rose begins chasing her.