Rainless Love In A Godless Land is a Taiwan television series by Pon Hung. The story revolves around a typical human girl who happens to find love with a deity called Kawas. Because of insignificant and uneducated human action, Kakarayan, or the planet’s creator, will cease bestowing his favors. The Deities, or Kawas, make the same choice to depart this realm.
The narrative is made up, but the names are real, from a Taiwanese indigenous society. It’s all been managed and done correctly, beginning with the tradition and ending with the notion of clothing. The representation is true, which is perhaps one of the numerous causes for the series popularity. The eighth episode of the Taiwanese series Rainless Love in a Godless Land is about to air. Stay tuned if you would like to learn more about it.
Worth Watching Or Not
With each succeeding episode, the Taiwan series grows in popularity for all the good things. The main heroine, Xie Tiantai, is shown as a powerful character in the drama. The part is played with such precision that the audience is awestruck.
Many themes, such as humor, romance, and culture, have been depicted in the suspense thrillers series. It will be fascinating to observe what impact a passion tale between a deity and a human will have on the earthly realm. This drama is widely regarded as among the best of the year. What impact will it have on others? Ultimately time can tell, as will the next episodes. Wait till then and enjoy the earlier episodes.
Expected Release Date And Where To Watch
The eighth episode of the Taiwanese drama is set to air on November 28, 2021. The new episode is released weekly, on Sunday. Don’t worry if you’ve not begun viewing the drama yet. Just the first eight episodes have been posted, enabling you to follow up on the current episodes.
There are 13 episodes in all. With an adore tale between a human and a deity, the plot is rather interesting. The show premiered on October 17, 2018, and will conclude on January 9, 2022.
The series is broadcast on iQiyi. Besides that, if you have some favorite sites for viewing dramas, you may use them to familiarise yourself with this one. The drama is captivating the viewers in every manner conceivable with its out-of-the-box narrative and excellent Music.
Storyline Without Spoilers
The series focuses on a legendary element in which all deities choose to say their goodbyes before the last rainfall because of unreasonable human behavior. The play revolves around the deities, humanity, environment, and Kakarayan, who are referred to as Kawas. All of the planning is for naught because a girl prevented the plan from succeeding.
Despite being described as commonplace, the girl was indeed the reason the deities were unable to descend, leaving the planet in a state of uncertainty. As a result, the deities were no longer being able to bestow their benefits on a world ravaged by environmental problems. The deities eventually leave their once-favored realm, but before then, a special bond has been developed between a deity and a human.
Although it is not the first time a love tale between a human and a deity was shown, it isn’t the only reason why the series is quickly being a fan favorite. From photography to acting, the series gained critical acclaim.
Cast Members
Orad by Meng-Po Fu, God of Regeneration by Ching Liu, Xie Tian Di by Joanne Tseng are among the protagonists of the drama. They will be followed by many more brilliant actors.