Netflix has recently premiered the Rebelde television series, which is a remake of the popular movie Reblede of 2004. The series is adapted from a famous teen-based telenovela called Rebelde Way. The show was written by Ilse Apellaniz and directed by Santiago Limón.
The new Rebelede features some of the amazing casts, including Azul Guaita, Giovanna Grigio, Andrea Chaparro, Franco Masini, Lizeth Selene, and Sergio Mayer Mori. The movie’s production started in early March 2021 and was wrapped up in a few months the same year. So, if you are also wondering whether to watch this comedy-drama or not, here is all you need to know before starting.
About the Movie
Rebelde influenced the lifestyles of teenagers and children from 2004 to 2006. It was a reproduction of the telenovela Rebelde Way from Argentina. The telenovela had been a worldwide hit that generated a club, RBD, that was as renowned as, good if not better, than the drama. The series premiered for 440 episodes.
With a Rebelde revival, Netflix promises to bring a new generation of youthful rebels to your television nearly 20 years later. The Rebelde remake intends to profit from the widespread love in the headrest and film industries and among theater and television followers. But, on the other hand, Netflix’s Rebelde aspires to reach Gen Z and create a whole new generation of followers.
Is the Movie Worth Watching?
Reblade Season 1 was awesome and left a long-lasting impact on the mind and hearts of viewers. So, now it’s reasonable for people to compare the new version with the original one. Rebelde season 2 has an incredible storyline, wonderful actors, and mesmerizing songs, making it perfect overall.
Although the movie has a diverse cast of characters, some fans were especially drawn to a few specific leads like Luke and Franco. Rebelde, we feel, will continue to be the center of attention in the coming days and weeks.
As a result, we advise that you watch it as early as possible so that you may flaunt it amongst your friends about your favorite characters. If you liked the original Reblede movie and you like watching Adult and romantic genres, then the movie is definitely your cup of tea and worth watching.
Stream It or Skip It?
Rebelde is overall a wonderful movie, with an attractive cast with incredible chemistry throughout the end. Moreover, the movie has described and featured the LGBTQ community too beautifully. However, if you have watched the original series, you might be missing the famous Elite School and the iconic brand with their awesome music.
The new Rebelde is a perfect opportunity to refresh those feelings and memories. So, you should surely stream this awesome movie and enjoy it with your friends too.
Where can You Watch This Movie?
You can enjoy the new Reblade on Netflix with the subscription. The movie is also available to enjoy in theatres in some regions, including Mexico and USA. Season one of the series, which has around more than 400 episodes, is also available on various platforms. You can watch it on Hulu, Fubu, Amazon Prime Video, Roku, and iTunes.