The Real Housewives of New Jersey, an American reality TV show that follows the lives of its returning cast members Melissa Gorga, Teresa Giudice, Dolores Catania, Jennifer Aydin, Margaret Josephs, and Jackie Goldschneider, has just had another dramatic, explosive reunion last week, and it’s not over yet.
The show is geared up with episodes 16 and 17 to be aired on May 17th on Bravo TV and Amazon Prime Video, and here’s all you need to know about it before watching.
What Is It All About?
The real Housewives of New Jersey is a reality TV show that follows the lives of its recurring casts as they go candid on air. Its executive producers are Jordana Hochman, Amy Kohn, Lauren Volonakis, Eric Fuller, Taylor Lucy Choi, and Andy Cohen, the latter of the show’s host.
The show is produced by Sirens Media, which also distributes it. The show is filmed in New Jersey, as the name suggests.
Episode 15: A Quick Recap
Teresa and Joe Gorga had a full-blown showdown in this second part of the reunion saga. Andy tried to work as a bridge between the two (they eventually settled down, but is everything okay?). Jackie went candid about her eating disorder and the recovery phase.
And Jennifer and Margaret had another one of their passive-aggressive arguments (and Jennifer came out on top, like the queen she is). Dramatic? Yes. Entertaining? Also yes. It’s the housewives, after all. No one could accuse them of being boring.
Episode 15 Reception
The viewers loved Jennifer’s talk back, but the Gorgas are getting on everyone’s every last nerve. Andy receives some backlash, too, for being biased towards the Gorgas. Melissa, Margaret and Jackie also came under their radar for trying to manipulate and play mind games, but overall, people loved it. As we said, these people might be annoying, but they are endlessly entertaining.
Episodes 16 And 17: What To Know Before Watching?
The May 17th release is set to continue with its reunion, with the husbands joining the lineup, which will undoubtedly bring in all flairs of crazy and scandals. As far as we know, the viewers will get acquainted with the secrets of Luis, Evan and Bill, as well as find out more about Dolores and her boyfriend and just where they stand on the relationship spectrum.
Jennifer isn’t yet out of the loop, and this time she would be up against Joe and Melissa. We have yet to see where Teresa and Margaret go after the last episode because there is only so much the viewers can handle before flipping their TV (or phone) upside down.
Episode 16 And 17: Air Time
Episode 16, ‘Reunion Part 3’ of RHONJ, would premiere on May 17th on Bravo TV at 8:00 PM EST, with episode 17 supposedly following soon after though there isn’t any confirmed news about it.