SEAL Team is a military drama and American action fiction television show premiered on CBS, from season 1 to 5A and on Paramount+, from season 5B. This series is 43 minutes each episode with 5 seasons and 94 episodes currently present. It’s available in English. The show aired on CBS on September 27, 2017 with season 1. The last season, which is the 5th season, premiered on October 10th in 2021.
When will Season 6 Air?
There’s no official date released till now about season six of Seal Team yet but seeing the popularity that the show received, it will be sooner than later. Seal Team is such a show that everyone has put it on their watch list. The amount of success that the show received has led to a new season from CBS to Paramount+ now, as it is going to renew it. It will consist of 10 episodes on Paramount+. The 6th season was renewed in February in 2021.
Cast and Crew of Seal Team
Benjamin Cavell is the creator of your favorite show called SEAL Team. Master Chief Special Warfare Operator Jason Hayes is played by David Boreanaz. He is the leader of the Bravo Team ( Navy SEAL Team) who deals with the loss of their own kind while accomplishing the mission.
Special Warfare Operator Second Class, Clay Spenser is played by Max Thieriot, who is also a member of the Bravo Team. Amanda “Mandy” Ellis is played by Jessica Paré who is a CIA liaison of the Bravo Team. The other cast members are Toni Trucks, Judd Lormand, Neil Brown Jr. and A. J. Buckley.
The producers of this series are Chris Leanza, Todd Lewis, David Boreanaz and Kate DiMento. They did a fantastic job at making the show happen. East 25 C, Chulack Productions, John Glenn Entertainment, Timberman/Beverly Productions and CBS Studios are the production companies who cooperated and made the show happen which is now a superhit and a desired show.
What is the Plot So Far?
The Navy SEAL unit has been assigned assignments which are dangerous but the unit has to execute it. This high staking mission starts to take a toll on them and their families as well which puts everyone’s life in danger. The situation will get more scary and dangerous for the people and the Navy Team as they proceed towards their missions.
The family always becomes a weakness for the families who are dealing with danger and trouble but the show will put spotlight on how to make this weakness a strength and win the situation.
Should You Stream It?
You should stream it! The television series has been receiving immense love from the audience and it has been keeping them hooked to the show. If you are looking for something to feel to the core of your heart and feel the emotions to a heightened level then you should pick Seal Team. The series will teach you what a dangerous and without guarantee life is like.
Though it’s a little overwhelming to watch only danger the whole time, there are other things present in the show that will male you feel better as well, such as the love for family saving innocent and protecting what matters. So go enjoy this rollercoaster ride and learn as much as you can while you are entertained. Stream it!