The third episode of the ongoing season of the psychological thriller Servant is scheduled to drop on February 4, 2022. Season 3 made its premiere on January 21, 2022, this captivating oddball thriller, balances horror, humor, and creepiness to bring about a much focused season. Tony Basgallop serves as the creator and writer of this American supernatural horror series. M. Night Shyamalan serves as its showrunner.
The show has an IMDb rating of 7.5/10. The story captures the narrative of a Philadelphian couple, Sean and Dorothy, whose marriage is at peril due to a tragedy. The rift between them opens the door for Leanne, a mysterious woman, to enter and drastically change everything. And, as the show has entered its third season, it is just getting more intense with each episode.
When can You Watch Episode 3?
The third episode is scheduled to release on February 4, 2022. The forthcoming episode in season 3 is titled “Hair.” Each episode in this series is of bite-sized 30 minutes, which contributes towards unfolding a larger mystery. Distributed by Apple Inc., the current season will have 10 episodes altogether.
The series was put up for renewal for a third season in December 2020, before season 2 made it to the screens. Similarly, in December 2021, the show received a renewal for its finale fourth season.
Where can You Watch Episode 3?
Apple TV+ distributes the episodes of this psychological thriller, Servant. Thus, the episodes of this series are only exclusively available through this platform. It would be best to get a subscription to this channel to stream the episodes upon their release. The episodes will not stream on other popular platforms like Netflix, Hulu, Disney Plus, or Amazon Prime Video. The episodes drop on Fridays at 12 pm EST on Apple TV+.
What Happens in the Previous Episode?
Previously on Servant season 3, episode 2, titled “Hive,” Mr. Smiley comes forth to help with the party. Sean and Dorothy have placed security cameras in and around the house to give a sense of security. But, Leanne is not aware of the party and is not particularly happy about it. She quickly tells that Dorothy is not doing all of these for Jericho but just for herself.
Sean tells her that ‘motherhood is lonely.’ Veera and Julian also come ahead to offer support. Leanne tries to open up to the idea and socialize at the party. However, the topic of substance abuse catches wildfire at the party. A particular mom continues to press the topic and reminds Dorothy of everything. Back in the kitchen, Julian and Leanne talk.
Leanne tells Julian that people who will come after her will not dress normally and have scars on their backs. When Mr. Smiley appears at the party, Leanne asks him to show his back. But, it does not have any scars. Dorothy assures Leanne that the security camera is installed for her safety.
What will Happen in the Next Episode?
According to the official synopsis for episode 3, Julian will attempt to dig the truth to know more about Jericho. Leanne will begin to feel suspicious about people who show up at the local park. Tony Basgallop and Alyssa Clark have scripted the plot for the upcoming episode.