Shaman King is a Japanese anime-inspired by the original shaman king anime (2001). Joni Frusta directed Shaman King, which was produced by Bridge and written by Yonemura Shoji. Amine’s music was composed by Hayashi Yoke, and Satohiko Sano designed the characters. This anime is released on various platforms of Japan like TV Tokyo, TX Networks and is released on April 1st of this year. It was world widely out on August 9th, 2021, on the platform Netflix.
The medium Yoho Sapura competes against other shamans in a fighting tournament held every 500 years in the hopes of becoming the all-powerful shaman king, which is the focus of this show. However, with a 13+ age restriction, only 13 episodes of the exciting genre are available on Netflix. In 2015, Japanese animation producer Maruyama Masao expressed interest in restarting the series. The anime shaman king is based on a manga series. The story revolves around children competing in battles held every 500 years to become the shaman king.
Is it Worth Watching?
It’s a really interesting drama, especially for anime fans, but it’s not suggested for beginners. Anime has become a favorite genre for all generations, which makes it even more interesting. Most people think it’s boring and only for kids, but that’s a misconception. It’s a fun genre for everyone. As previously stated, this anime is all about shamans. They essentially have supernatural abilities and can communicate with ghosts, souls, and gods. This adds to the intrigue.
This anime covers genres such as action, comedy, supernatural, and adventure. Each episode of the series lasts approximately 20 to 25 minutes, allowing for more episodes to be covered. The idea of restarting Shaman King came about in 2015, and after a long wait of about five years, the first episode of Shaman King aired in April 2020.
Is there a Sequel Planned?
This anime has 17 episodes, with the next one set to air on August 12th of this year. The 18th episode was supposed to be released two weeks ago, but it had to be postponed due to the Tokyo Olympics. Therefore, this anime is expected to have 52 episodes, including those already been released. It will also be available on Netflix soon, allowing people to watch it on their own time. It is expected to be available on Netflix by the end of August.
There is a possibility of a sequel planned for this series, as we know the original Shaman King 2001 had 63 episodes to cover the entire story, and it is expected to have a season 2. It has been nearly 20 years since the first shaman king was released, and the decision to create the second version took so long to ensure that the first version was not let down. The actual strength of this anime can be considered its characters. The director of this anime, a big comic fan, assisted in bringing the best out of this anime.