Sister Wives is an American reality show which is back with its sixteenth season. Season 16 of the show was premiered on November 21, 2021, on TLC. This reality show is about a family that is residing in Utah. Kody Brown, who is a polygamist, along with his four wives and eighteen children of theirs, are the ones whose lives are shown on the reality show.
As we can decipher from the number of seasons of the show that how much the audience is so intrigued to know about all the happenings, and therefore, episode 2 of season 16 of Sister Wives has been scheduled to be released on November 28, 2021.
When is the Sister Wives Season 16-Episode 2 Releasing?
Episode 2 of the reality show Sister Wives season 16 will be released on November 28, 2021. This season is back with a bang, and all the fans are eagerly waiting to know that finally, what will happen to Christine and Kody’s relationship? Are they going to get separated? Well, this season is going to pick up the pace so keep reading this article to know all these details in one go.
Where can you Stream Episode 2 of Season 16 of Sister Wives?
You can watch the show on TLC. Also, thanks to all those OTT platforms, which have practically made our life easier because we can easily stream any of our favorite shows at any time and anywhere. Therefore, you can stream the episode on a large number of OTT platforms such as Xfinity, Fubo TV, Philo TV, Spectrum, DirecTV, Dish, and Sling.
Things you Should Know Before Streaming Episode 2 of Sister Wives Season 16
Episode 1 was released on November 21, 2021, and the episode began with Christine wanting to return to Utah. Polygamy was legally acceptable in Utah, and everyone was well aware of it. But other than her, no one wanted to leave Arizona and return to Utah.
Thus, her concerns were simply neglected. Even her husband, Kody Brown himself, was feeling very much at home in Arizona. Though he was instructed to stay in solitude still, he liked the way it was.
Later on, Kody felt a bit upset about the way he completely neglected Christine’s opinion. Thus, he further made attempts to sort things out with her. He even asked Janelle that if they could relocate back. To this, Janelle was not at all in favor of this thought because it is a very tiring job to relocate again and make all those attempts and efforts to make her children get adjusted there.
Everyone out there had different opinions. Janelle was having a great time in Arizona as she could do all those things which she had always wanted to do. On the other hand, Christine is so adamant that she wants to relocate. It was more like Robyn and Kody’s relationship was not in the best shape. Kody even left Meri to take care of herself because, in the last season, it seemed like their marriage was practically over.
What Was The Reason For All This Chaos?
The main person who is to be blamed for all these is Kody because it was caused because of his personality that he loves to wanders. Even though he gives it thought about relocating, but it will be the place where parents of Robyn are residing.