Snowfall is a crime drama series that first aired in July 2017. Created by John Singleton, Dave Andron, and Eric Amadio, this American television series has gained a huge fan base. The show takes us to the 1980s in Los Angeles where a crack epidemic had broken out. The show depicts how several individuals cross paths and dark times follow a neighborhood that turns it into a war zone. The series isn’t based on a true story but is inspired by real-life experiences in Los Angeles and the associated drug epidemic. The show has five seasons and still going strong with a massive fan following. Snowfall Season 5 has two episodes so far, and Season 5 Episode 3 is around the corner.
Follow the article to know Snowfall Season 5 Episode 3 release dates, where to watch, cast, and everything we know.
Snowfall Season 5 Episode 3: Release Date and Time
Snowfall Season 5 aired on February 23, 2022, with two episodes at a time. The purpose of releasing two episodes at a time is probably to display the foundation of the new plot. Episode 3 of Season 5 is confirmed to release on March 2, 2022, at 10 pm Eastern on FX.
Where to Watch?
All the episodes of Season 5 will air on FX Network. You can catch the new episodes of Season 5 every Wednesday on FX. If you don’t have access to FX Networks, then you can wait a little bit to watch it on Hulu the next day. To watch Snowfall Season 5 on Hulu, you need to subscribe to it with a minimum price. Hulu comes with a two-tier subscription, one with ads and the other without.
What to Know Before Watching?
Snowfall is an American Television series based on the life of a rising drug lord in the 1980s in Los Angeles when a new drug endemic broke out. The show depicts the brutality of the police, the role of media, US politicians, and emerging corruption.
Franklin is always seen struggling to create his drug empire in South LA, but Season 5 might witness a new side to Franklin. Episodes 1 and 2 of the season aired on the 23rd of February. From the first episode, we saw Franklin gaining an upper hand in both his business and personal life with the help of Gustavo. Frankin’s life is no more under threat, so he will try to take on more tasks. We are also curious to know if Teddy McDonald who is working with Franklin under the name Reed was the person who assassinated Alton (Franklin’s father).
Many theories are going on among fans, but we won’t spoil it further for you. You can catch the new episode on the above-mentioned date and platform.
Snowfall Season 5 cast includes Damson Idris (Franklin Saint), Carter Hudson (Teddy McDonald), Sergio Peris-Mencheta (Gustavo El Oso Zapata), Michael Hyatt (Cissy Saint), Amin Joseph (Jerome Saint), Angela Lewis (Louise “Louie” Saint), Isaiah John (Leon Simmons), and Alon Aboutboul (Avi Dexler).