Snowfall is an American crime drama that was the first broadcast in 2017. The set of the movie is in Los Angeles, the series revolves around the first crack epidemic and the impact that it has on the city. The series was first set up at Showtime in 2014.
Later the second season was premiered in 2018 and the third season in 2019. The fourth season was scheduled to premiere in 2020 but due to the pandemic, the fourth season premiered in 2021. The fifth season premiered on February 23, 2022.
Season 5 – Episode 6
The episode is named The Illiad: Part 2. In this episode, we are going to see Franklin, Gustavo, and the Tiger. Anything can happen in this episode!
After the previous episode where it is not good for either Franklin or Gustavo to be trapped in a den with a tiger, yes, literally a tiger! It is going to be very unpredictable to imagine how they are going to get out of this situation. Especially when Franklin’s organization is being stocked.
According to the current plot of the story, it seems like they might be getting even worse before they get any better, or will they be relieved a little bit ? As we know that these two men, will do anything to get out of their situation, and they also have Louis, Jerome, and the others that are outside playing their part of the game to help them. We can also guess that Teddy might get involved, even though he is supposed to look at his injuries first!
When And Where to Watch?
According to the recent information, it is said that the new episode 6 of season 5 will release on March 23, 2022. Snowfall is one of the trending series and there are so many audiences waiting for the next episode to release as soon as possible, the gripping plot that it has carved is definitely the reason for the success of the show.
We can watch Snowfall on Disney+, Hotstar, Prime Video, Hulu. However, I don’t think that it is available on Netflix.
Recap of Snowfall Season 5
At the beginning of Season 5, we see how Franklin tried to tighten his familial circle. His live-in girlfriend and business partner Veronique are expecting their first child. However his attempt went in vain the first time itself when White Rob’s pal Thad sniffed too much cocaine. This resulted in him killing an innocent party-goer with a gun just because Thad thought that he was being slighted at.
He had to bring White Rob to his mom’s house to stay low and slowly get help from Wanda to be detoxed. A lot more tragic things happened. Franklin finally decided to finish Rob; otherwise, he might be the one in danger of life. With both Rob and Thad dead, Franklin thought that he would finally be happy with Veronique, but that is when Teddy arrives into the picture.
Well, the storyline is very interesting. So if you haven’t watched the previous seasons and looking forward to watching the new episode, hurry and finish the previous seasons so that you can be covered with the recent one!