Spidey And His Amazing Friends is an animated series that first premiered on August 6, 2021. It follows child versions of Spiderman as Spidey, Gwen Stacy as Ghost-Spider, and Miles Morales as Spin, who defeat evil- namely, Green Goblin, Doc Ock, and Rhino, alongside their everyday struggles with their superhero friends- including, Hulk and Ms. Marvel.
It was developed by Marvel Animation and is not related to any of the Spiderman franchise except for borrowing a few characters. It is wildly different from the Spiderman movies that you are used to, as Spidey And His Amazing Friends, is directly aimed at preschoolers.
There are a total of 19 episodes with each episode divided into 2 segments of 12-minutes each. A new episode of Spidey And His Friends is releasing on March 18, the two segments titled, “The wozzlesnook” and “superhero switcheroo”. And the last episode is released on March 25, titled, “Aunt May’s Mess” and “Foam Sweet Foam”
Stream It or Skip It?
Immediately after the release of the 1st season, the series was renewed for a second one. Even though it received some negative reviews, but, let me say it once and for all *deep inhale* Sir, Ma’am, YOU ARE NOT THE TARGET AUDIENCE HERE! Yes, sir, you are too old for the show.
Many of the people with negative reviews had problems with the writing and animation. Considering it is aimed at the preschool audience, should be seen the same. It should not be compared to the ones aimed at the adult audience, which lean more towards the dark side.
This is a perfect Spiderman series for younger kids in love with Spiderman but whose parents are skeptical because of all the violence in the other spin-offs of Spiderman. The writing teaches teamwork, bravery, morals, and patience in all of its episodes.
If you see it for what it is, a younger kids TV show, you will enjoy it. Maybe stream it while you sober up from the last Spiderman movie that intoxicated everyone(in a good way) and wait for the next installment.
Season 2 of the show will air on Wednesday, Sept. 22, on Disney+. I just hope the parents last through all the episodes they’ll have to watch on repeat till the next season airs. Hell, I still hum to Baby Shark while doing the dishes because of my Niece.
When Can You Watch It?
New episodes air on March 18, Friday. You can watch them every Friday at Disney Channel (9 am EDT/PDT) and Disney Junior (12:30 pm and 7:30 pm EDT/PDT).
Where Can You Watch it?
Spidey and His Amazing Friends are available to watch on your network cable- Disney and Disney jr. However, you can stream it on Prime Video, Spectrum TV, Disney Plus, Hulu(69.99/month), and Apple TV.
Voice Actors For Spidey And His Amazing Friends
Benjamin Valic, Jakari Fraser, Lily Sanfelippo, Sandra Saad, Tru Valentino, Armen Taylor, Nicolas Roye, Melanie Minichino, Dee Bradley Baker, Kelly Ohanian, JP Karliak, Justin Shenkarow.