One more wondrous gem added to the helm of the Star Wars universe, Star Wars: The Bad Batch continues the story of another cherished animated show, The Clone Wars. The story revolves around a group of exceptional clone troopers named Clone Force 99 and Omega’s new member. Their genetic dysfunctions are an asset instead of a liability leading them to have special powers that rival even those of the commandos. Though the raging Clone War left few survivors, this group made it.
As they struggle through the trials and tribulations of a changed galaxy, they have many enemies to defend themselves from, but most of all, they run from one of their own. While cruising through deadly missions, they have difficult choices to make that could redeem them in one moment and turn out to be venomous in another.
We were produced by the Mandalorian’s very own Dave Filoni; the first season aired on May 4, 2021, consisting of 16 episodes running for 23 minutes each. The show received wildly positive critic and fan appreciation. It is one of the most awaited series on Disney+, and we hope to jump out of our seats and shed tears when it reaches our screens.
Rumoured Release Date
Fans were thrilled when Lucasfilm confirmed that the show would be renewed for a second season and not be left with plot holes and cliffhangers to worry about. Although a specific release date hasn’t been announced, we might be more in the know by September 2021. The second season of Bad Batch is supposed to air in 2022. We might expect it after The Book Of Boba Fett, the Mandalorian Season 3, and the Obi-Wan Kenobi mini-series that all have an earlier release date.
Expected Cast and Characters
Talented voice actors are the most important tool in the arsenal of CGI animated shows. Thankfully, the Bad Batch has them in abundance. Featuring the skills of Dee Bradley Baker as four prominent members of the Bad Batch Crosshair, Hunter, Tech, Echo and Wrecker, and some other clones, we will also marvel at Michelle Ang’s Omega. In addition, Rhea Perlman will lend her voice to the role of no-nonsense Cid, Nishit Dalal for Vice Admiral Rampart, Ben Diskin for the droid AZI-3, Gwendoline Yeo for Nala Se, and Stephen Stanton for Admiral Tarkin.
Appearing for guest roles in season 1, voice actress Ming Na Wen for Fennec Shand, Ian McDiarmid for Darth Sidious, and Corey Burton for Cad Bane might also have appearances in the second season or even larger parts.
Expected Storyline
In the last episode of season 1, we see Omega’s home destroyed, but fortunately, everyone makes it out alive. Even though Crosshair and the Bad Batch have a better relationship now and the betrayal has been forgiven, Crosshair decides not to join his former crew, and they part ways. Nala Se is captured by the Empire and brought in for her cloning prowess. We might see the Batch return to a temporary place of stay, probably Ord Mantell, and continue to operate for Cid while also hiding.
They might have to pick between fighting on sides or staying non-aligned. Crosshair might also take a different direction than some might agree with and some not.