The recently released Japanese and American series Star Wars: Visions is inspired by George Lucas’s work Star Wars. Kanako Shirasaki has produced the anthology series for Lucasfilm Animation. The series premiered on streaming platform Disney+ on September 22, 2021. The series comprises nine films that have been created by Production IG, Trigger, Science SARU, Kamikaze Douga, Twin Engine, and Kinema Citrus.
The Japanese animation studios have created their original film giving a fresh perspective inspired by the Star Wars galaxy. James Waugh, Josh Rimes, Jacqui Lopez, Justin Leach act as the executive producers. Don’t worry; we won’t spoil your excitement by giving you the spoilers! The article will cover everything except the story for the episodes of Star Wars: Visions.
What do You need to Know About the Episodes of Star Wars: Visions?
- Episode 1 has been titled – The Duel and is produced by Kamikaze Douga
- Episode 2 has been titled- Tatooine Rhapsody and is produced by Studio Colorido
- Episode 3 has been titled- The Twins and is produced by Trigger
- Episode 4 has been titled- The Village Bride and is produced by Kinema Citrus
- Episode 5 has been titled- The Ninth Jedi and is produced by Production IG
- Episode 6 has been titled- T0-B1 and is produced by Science SARU
- Episode 7 has been titled- The Elder and is produced by Trigger
- Episode 8 has been titled- Lop and Ocho and is produced by Geno Studio
- Episode 9 has been titled- Akakiri and is produced by Science SARU
Who all will be Voicing in Star Wars: Visions?
For Episode 1
Brian Tee and Masaki Terasoma have lent their voice for the character of Ronin, Lucy Liu and Akeno Watanabe have voiced for Bandit Leader, and Jaden Waldmanamd Yūko Sanpei is lending their voices to Village Chief.
For Episode 2
Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Hiroyuki Yoshino have voiced for Jay, Temuera Morrison and Akio Kaneda for Boba Fett, Bobby Moynihan and Kōsuke Gotō for Geezer, Marc Thompson and Anri Katsu for Lan and Shelby Young and Masayo Fujita for K-344.
For Episode 3
Neil Patrick Harris amd Junya Enoki lending the voice to Karre, Alison Brie amd Ryoko Shiraishifor Am, and Jonathan Lipow amd Tokuyoshi Kawashima for B-20N.
For Episode 4
Karen Fukuhara and Asami Seto giving their voices to F, Nichole Sakura and Megumi Han for Haru, Christopher Sean and YumaUchida for Asu, Andrew Kishino amd Yoshimitsu Shimoyama for Izuma, Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa amd Takaya Kamikawa for Valco and Stephanie Sheh and Mariya Ise for Saku.
For Episode 5
Kimiko Glenn and Chinatsu Akasaki for Kara, Andrew Kishino and Tetsuo Kanao for Juro, Simu Liu and Shin-ichiro Miki for Zhima, Greg Chun and Kazuya Nakai for Roden, Daisuke Hirakawa and Michael Sinterniklaas for Hen Jin.
For Episode 6
Jaden Waldman and Masako Nozawa T0-B1 and Kyle Chandler and Tsutomu Isobe for Mitaka.
For Episode 7
David Harbour and David Harbour for Tajin, Jordan Fisher and Yuichi Nakamura for Dan and James, and Kenichi Ogata Hong for The Elder.
For Episode 8
Seiran Kobayashi and Anna Cathcart as Lop, Hiromi Dames, and Risa Shimizu as Ocho, Paul Nakauchi, and Tadahisa Fujimurafor Yasaburo and Mc Carley and Taisuke Nakano for Imperial Officer.
For Episode 9
Yū Miyazaki and Henry Golding as Tsubaki. Jamie Chung and Lynn as Misa, George Takei and Chō for Senshuu, Lorraine Toussaint and Yukari Nozawa for Masago and Keone Young and Wataru Takagi for Kamahachi.
This is all you need to know about the latest release Star Wars: Visions, without spoiling your curiosity!