This is an American drama series. This series initially began in the year 2018. The show is set up in Seattle, and it is about what’s happening in the lives of the men and women who are at the Seattle fire station 19.
What Do We Know About The Show?
The Seattle firefighters department is assigned to look after the fire situations and render their services to the medical emergency situations to the incidents occurring in Seattle.
And this show focuses on the lives of each of those people who are working here in this station. Be it the captain or the lowest rank official. This show covers every bit of it.
Season 5 Of The Show
Station 19 is a brief story about the happenings in the day-to-day lives of the men and women who work here. To be precise, the show also throws light on Andy Herrera, who is very close to this station. Now you must be wondering how and why someone would be close to a fire station above all the places?
This is so because Andy’s father had been working here for a very long time, so this child seems to have attached herself to her father’s workplace.
What Happened In The Previous Episodes?
In the previous episodes and season 4, we saw that love was budding in this show and some scenes that might seem to disappoint you. There was a wedding that took place here. Maya and Carina’s wedding was an absolute celebration. Dean and Travis were still dealing with their relationship but couldn’t find a way out though. Jack and Inara are also on the verge of finishing their relationship as she’s already made up her mind to move away.
Travis informs Emmett about his feelings and urges him to be just a little more than friends. Dean makes an attempt to let Vic know what’s going on in his mind ever since, but that turns out adverse too as she starts making things right with Theo. The last relationship gossip was about Andy and Sullivan.
Season 5 Episode 4
This episode is titled “100% or nothing.“
This episode could be more about the old refurbished stories or even more about the upcoming new ones. However, it’s for you to decide. Though the only demand of the situation would be that the story centers about just one station here, it’s not happening that soon. This episode will show two stations at a time.
When Will The Episode Be Released?
This episode will be available for the viewers on October 21, 2021. And it would be available on the ABC. For those of you who find it hard to keep up with the plot can go for watching the episodes weekly so that there’s absolutely no chance of missing out on the plot and the entertainment too.
We hope that you’re way ahead of all the explanations and are eagerly waiting for the new episode rather than fumbling on to know what exactly is the show about.