The hit American reality show, Survivor, originally broadcast in the 2000s, has been among the highly anticipated shows since decades. So much so that it had remained among the top ten most viewed shows across the USA. Owing to its success, it has managed to get nominations in Emmy awards and has bagged awards under various categories throughout the years.
It had also secured the position in Time magazine’s list of hundred best television shows of all time in 2007. The reality competition show covers the journey of unknown individuals in an isolated area, where they compete with fellow mates and have to fight for basic necessities. From physical strengths to mental alertness, everything is tested on the show so that contestants manage to secure themselves from termination and grab the rewards.
As the show progresses, the contestants get eliminated, ultimately leaving the show winner to win a heavy cash prize. The host of the show is Jeff Probst, while Charlie Parsons has done creation. Joining these two is Mark Burnett serving as the executive producer.
Release of Episode 3 of Survivor Season 41
The ongoing 41st reality show season premiered on September 22, 2021, after a year-long delay due to the pandemic. It was broadcasted on CBS for US viewers and on Global for Canadian audiences. The shooting has been done in Mamanuca Islands, Fiji. The third episode is scheduled to air on October 6, 2021.
What will Happen in the Upcoming Episode 3 of Survivor Season 41?
The previous episode titled- Juggling Chainsaws was telecasted on September 29, 2021, and was full of twists and turns. After eliminating Eric Abraham (Yase Tribe) and Sara Wilson (Ua Tribe), the rest of the 16 contestants are ready for another round of daunting challenges. The last episode showed the immunity challenge where the respective tribes reached a puzzle by passing through a water passage. The two teams that reached first were to win a fishing gear and thereby be immune.
Luvu and Ua tribes managed to secure the immunity while Yase was sent back to the tribal council. Before leaving, the Luvu tribe was given to decide any two individuals that would leave to make a decision. So from Yase, Evvie was chosen while the other player was from their tribe, Deshawn. Both the mates discussed protecting or sacrificing their votes, with Evvie protecting it while Deshawn was losing it. But Evvie did tell him about the plan to vote out Xander and spilled the secret of the three-way idol.
While at Yase, Tiffany accepted the failure of the tribe due to her and felt responsible for the same. However, at the council, she still voiced her opinion about her strategic skills for the game. When the votes were read, Xander was shocked by the fact that his alliance with Evvie was just a mere façade and not what he presumed it to be. David was terminated with three out of four votes against him.
Were the mates of tribe Yase wise in making the decision? Did Evvie just spill too many secrets to her disadvantage? Well, only the upcoming episode will reveal that. Liana is shedding tears, Brad being excited and impending danger for Sydney can be there in the subsequent episode of Survivor season 41.