Initially premiered in 2013, Teen Titans Go is an animated version of the DC Comics original Teen Titans bySam Register and Glen Murakami. The American series has been produced by Warner Bros. Animation and DC Entertainment companies. Michael Jelenic and Aaron Horvath have developed the spin-off; the Teen Titans Go! has an element of humor to it with no reference to the story of Teen Titans (original). However, the characters and cameos are inspired by the original work.
The story covers the animated inspirations of Titans in a young avatar. Robin, Beast Boy, Raven, Starfire, and Cyborg live as teens in a fictional place called Jump City while they continue to fight to save the world. From time to time, the appearances of other DC characters can be witnessed, but the situations are comical and light-hearted.
The ongoing season they premiered at the beginning of this year was on January 8. So far, a total of 20 episodes have been out, and the upcoming episode is slated to go on air in October.
About the Main Characters in Teen Titans Go!
- Beast Boy- Green skinned with pointed ears and wore black and purple patrol uniform.
Actor Greg Cipes is voicing the character.
- Robin- Head of the team, who does not possess any powers, is a strong fighter with his weapons.
Actor Scott Menville is voicing the character.
- Raven- Possessses magic skills and uses them as her power when required.
Actor Tara Strong is voicing the character.
- Starfire- Has the powers to emit energy through hands and eyes and has fast flight ability.
Actor Hynden Walch is voicing the character.
- Cyborg- Huge-bodied Titan that carries all kinds of weapons and tools required to fight.
Actor Khary Payton is voicing the character.
Recap of Episode 20 of Teen Titans Go! Season 7
Previously in episode 20 of Season 7, Teen Titans Go! Titled What a Boy Wonders, it was seen that the leader of the team, Robin, is trying his best to launch his autobiography and so wants to form a book club. But to his dejection, the rest of the Titans are more enthusiastic about several other books, and no one seems to care about his book. He becomes upset upon learning this.
What to Expect from Episode 21 of Teen Titans Go! Season 7?
The upcoming Teen Titans Go! Season 7 Episode 21 that is titled Doomsday Preppers will highlight the personal lives of the Titans. The humor will be an essential part of the episode when Titans are seen living as normal teens busy in their own life rather than fighting the villains. Instead of thinking about how to save the world, they will deal with normal problems of life.
When Will Episode 21 of Teen Titans Go! Season 7 Air?
The 21st episode of Season 7 of Teen Titans Go!, which has been titled Doomsday Preppers, is all set to broadcast on Saturday, October 2, 2021. Just like the previous episodes, the upcoming one will also be aired at 7.30 pm ET on Cartoon Network. All the show’s latest episodes are telecasted on Cartoon Network on Saturdays every week, and those who missed any of them can easily access the episodes on streaming platforms like Spectrum or Hulu.