The Afterparty is an American television show with mystery, murder, and comedy packed all together. The show has various characters with unique personalities that are fun to watch. The uneven genre of the series makes it exciting and delightful and has grabbed a good fan base. The series first streamed in January 2022 and has aired a few episodes.
The story revolves around a few individuals who share their side of the story of a murder incident during a high school reunion. Each episode covers the perspectives of the individuals while they lay down the series of events that took place at the reunion. We can understand different perspectives told through a different genre by watching the episodes.
If you are following the series but somehow missed the last episode that aired on February 11, we’ve got you covered in our article. The article covers The Afterparty Episode 5 Recap, review, release date of the next episode, and where to watch it online.
The Afterparty Episode 5 Recap
The episode begins with Danner searching Aniq, who is in hiding. Danner has to report her file immediately as her work is on the line. The group’s focus turns to Walt Butler, who volunteers to share his perspective on the story. He reveals that the St. Patrick Days party happened at his house 15 years ago.
The flashback takes us to 15 years younger highschool going students. Xavier has come to the party in his sports car. The name Xaviers is an alias that he adopted. His real name is Eugene. Aniq asked Zoe in the classroom to meet up at “Brett’s part”. The party was at Walt’s place, but sadly no one paid attention to him. Yasper decides to call it quits during the party with his ska band with Xavier.
Annoyed, Xavier believes that Aniq is the cause of all this and pulls a prank on him by pushing him into the pool. Aniq made a mixed taped CD for Zoe, but it became wet due to Xavier’s prank, so he had to blow-dry it. But Brett took this opportunity to build a close bond with Zoe. As Aniq finds out how close they are now, he leaves the party heartbroken. He dumps the CD in the bin and takes the help of alcohol to reduce his sorrow.
After the party, drunk Chelsea and Xavier are in a bedroom. Chelsea rejects Xavier’s advances, but Xavier lies about sleeping with her. Somehow the narrative turns to a threesome when Walt shows up. Brett picked up the mixed CD tape discarded by Aniq. He claimed that the CD tape belonged to him when he played it for Zoe. Aniq found out about the event and saw the pair kissing.
It is finally becoming clear how the dots are connected with every flashback occurring in each episode. The relationship between Brett, Zoe, and Aniq has blown up our minds. The reveal of Brett and Zoe’s relationship starting due to Aniq’s mixed tape is sad, but Zoe finally notices Aniq’s worth. Walt may not have killed Xavier, but he has an intention. The mystery of the note and the “diarrhea” ended with a simple explanation that was disappointing.
Release Date of Episode 6
The previous episode’s ending raised many questions about Zoe’s intention to murder Xavier. The next episode of the season will release on February 18, Friday.
Where to Watch?
The Afterparty has 8 episodes, and 5 episodes have been aired. You can find all the episodes on Apple TV+.