The Afterparty is an American series that centers around murder, mystery, and comedy. The show has just recently arrived on apple TV+ on the 28th of January 2022.
Presently, the first season is being aired and 6 episodes of the first season have been released so far.
And as the name suggests, the afterparty isn’t as the name sounds, it’s way more different than that, though it contains the elements of comedy and mystery but isn’t about the afterparty that you are thinking of.
What is the show about?
The series is about a high school reunion and after that party, as each episode approaches, there’s a different view from the side of each character about what happened after that party.
What happened in the sixth episode?
In the sixth episode, we saw that it according to Zoe. And what Zoe thought about the reunion and what followed thereafter at Xavier’s house.
Zoe calls up the detective, Danner, and informs whatever happened that night when Xavier expired. Yasper and Aniq are hearing all of this on their phone but their phone is running dead now because they have not charged it for a while. Zoe confirms that for her, Xavier would still be the weird one.
And she somehow wishes to bring herself out of Xavier’s murder case. And that’s when Zoe and Chelsea sit down to talk about their problems too. Detective Culp is called in and that’s when detective Danner has to shut down.
Episode 7
The seventh episode is titled “ Danner “ and it’s all set to arrive on apple TV+ on the 25th of February 2022. The release time of these episodes is usually midnight, so you will get your hands on this episode at midnight itself, only if you’re awake by that hour.
This season is said to have a total of eight episodes and this seventh episode might be the second last one then. And the eighth episode is expected to arrive on the 4th of March 2022, which is a Friday.
What to expect?
Detective Danner might have the episode to its name. As all the characters have had an episode named after them and now it’s time for detective Danner!!
This episode will bring some of the other information regarding the death of Xavier. And amongst all the characters thus seen, each of them might have been a suspect, but now since the episode is for detective Danner, are we counting on Danner to be a suspect too?
Well, that will be revealed only after watching the episode.
Detective Danner will get one over the other detective, detective Culp. And two detectives in one frame might not be the scene we’re expecting it to be.
Zoe’s speech about ‘ tell the story… ‘ might give away a lot of hints leading to Xavier’s death. The story is indeed taking a very interesting turn and we hope that the mystery soon comes to an end. And we’d get to know what actually happened after that party.