The Big Leap is an ongoing American musical dramedy and based on the British documentary called Big Ballet. This series was created by Liz Heldens, and it premiered for the first time in September 2021. The show talks about second chances, chasing your passion and taking back what’s rightfully yours.
Through multiple reports, this episode will be the last episode of the show, and they might not go for another season because the ratings are not what the producers of the show expected.
Release Date
The upcoming episode of the Big Leap is titled “We Make Our Own Light,” and it is all set to release on December 6, 2021, at 9 P. M. Eastern. The show drops new episodes every Monday, weekly to keep their audience wondering about the next episode and come up with crazy fan theories.
Recap Of The Previous Episode
In the previous episode of the Big Leap, we saw a montage of Paula and Mike spending some time together, and it will lead to Christmas, where Paula would feel drastically sick, and she would collapse. The ambulance appears on time at the emergency scene. Mike was traumatized, and he was screaming like a mad man because they were going to spend more time together. After two days of Paula’s collapse, she died.
The scene changes, and we see Gabby is back at her former place of work because she needed health insurance, while in the other scene, we see Kevin still convincing himself that Julia and Linus are together. However, Nick does not do anything to acknowledge Paula because he thinks that she is too sad. The audience felt the rising tension at the end of Swan Lake.
Monica gave the green signal to Gabby to go ahead with the idea to choreograph something new. We saw Justin and Monica encouraging Gabby, and she needed to have the credit she deserved. They decided to bring back Mike to the show as he was shown a video of Paula having a request for him, and as a result, he agreed.
Nick is having a panic attack because he still misses Paula, and he does not have any idea how to do the work properly; Monica came to his aid and talked some sense into him. When the show was going on, Zach wanted him to announce which contestants were going back home. But Zach realizes that Nick is boycotting his orders and asks his staff if anyone wants to join Nick, and they do.
In another scene, we saw Julia, who needs to go to her daughter’s school because her daughter Olivia painted a picture on the walls of the school premises. In comparison, we saw Nick talking to his daughter about his feeling.
The scene changes, and we see Wayne show the final tape which Paula left for him, and on the other Simon broke up with Justin right before the show. Brittney has been throwing up. She assumed that she was nervous, but she was pregnant, and we saw the lights go out, and Nick had another serious panic attack.
Plot Speculation
A synopsis for the next episode is roaming the internet, and it states that in the upcoming, we will see that a massive blackout will be risking the show because they can not air the final episode of the show. The complete cast worked as a cognitive unit to light up the stage.
Reggie tried a rapprochement with Gabby, while Nick strived to convince the masses that the finale would be something special. Everyone worked hard to make the necessary changes for the final improvisation. Brittney will be shocked because she will receive a surprise.
Where To Watch?
The Big Leap can be watched on the Fox channel during the respective time of air. However, if you do not get time to watch the television show, it can be viewed with the help of the internet because the TV series is available on the official website of Fox and the app as well.
It is also available on other popular OTT platforms such as YouTube TV, DirecTV, Xfinity, and Hulu+ Live TV. In comparison, the most recent episodes of the show can be purchased or rented on platforms like iTunes, Google Play, Spectrum, and Vudu.