The television show “The Blacklist” premiered on September 23, 2013, and centers on former U.S. Navy officer Raymond “Red” Reddington (played by James Spader), who is a high-profile criminal turned willing surrendered to the FBI after eluding capture for decades. His proposal to the FBI is to provide the FBI with the role of the most treacherous lawbreaker in the world, and if he receives impunity from the oppression, he can provide information on their activities. Yet, he stubbornly refuses to work with anyone but FBI profiler Elizabeth Keen (played by Megan Boone).
The show has been releasing for the past 10 years now. The ninth season will feature a new showrunner, a cast shake-up, and a cast shake-up from the last. In case you’re looking forward to another action-packed season of Raymond’s adventures, we have just the information you need. In fact, this show is one of the longest-running drama series that is right now being aired on TV.
There are rumors that the ninth season will be bigger and better than previous seasons of the hit NBC show. It will feature a lot more drama, so plot twists should be coming along quickly, and it is sure there will be a lot more drama as well.
The Blacklist Season 9 Release Date
Peacock, NBC Universal’s streaming service, will also contain “The Blacklist” season 9. Subscribers to the service will also be able to watch the show there. The premiere of the ninth season is scheduled for October 21, 2021. The announcement of the upcoming release date is undoubtedly great news. Still, it is offset by the unfortunate news that Megan Boone, who portrays Liz Keen in the series, is not set for a return in this ninth season and expresses her gratitude for both her character and the lovely cast and crew of The Blacklist.
The Blacklist Cast and Crew
John Eisendrath serves as showrunner for season 9 after Jon Bokenkamp quits after season 8. Bokenkamp wrote the show and served as show runner for the first eight seasons, as did Eisendrath. Both executives serve as executive producers on the show alongside John Davis. Viewers were dealt a major shock sometime this year when Megan Boone announced she would not return for “The Blacklist” season 9.
The rest of the cast will, however, including James Spader. In addition to Diego Klattenhoff, they have Amir Arison, who portrays as Aram Mojtabai, Hisham Tawfiq plays the role of Dembe Zuma, Laura Sohn plays the character Alina Park, and Harry Lennix portrays Harold Cooper. The latter is the chief of the task agency. They’re probably all coming back, and many will need to contribute on top of what they usually do to fill the large hole left by Megan Boone.
What will Happen in The Blacklist Season 9?
Since Megan Boone will leave, it will be very hard for Season 9 to replace Liz and Red’s cat-and-mouse rivalry and tension. A new dynamic and conflict must establish itself to fill that void right from the outset. However, fans need not be worried since there are not many days left for the show’s ninth season.