The chair is an American comedy-drama television series. It is created by Amanda Peet and Annie Julia Wyman and was aired on August 20, 2021, on Netflix. It revolves around a new woman chair hired in the English Department of Pembroke University for the first time.
Release Date of Season 2
Soon after the release of the first season of the series, it gained so much love and popularity from the audience, and they didn’t waste so much time to finish the entire season as it is only six -half-hour episodes long. Fans are already waiting and are so excited for the next season, but there is no such official announcement from the side of Netflix on the release or making of the next season of the series.
The Plot
The Chair is a six-part series released on Netflix on August 20, 2021. It is the story of Dr. Ji Yoon Kim, who is appointed as the new chair of prestigious Pembroke University. While navigating her new role and workplace, she came across many unique challenges, first as a woman chair of the department and next as one of the staff members of color. She was the first-ever woman hired for this role in the University.
Sandra Oh played the role of Dr. Ji-Yoon Kim, who was the new English Department chair at Pembroke University and the main lead or the protagonist. She was the very first woman chair appointed in the University. Jay Duplass played Dr. Kin’s friend and a colleague who was a mess when he lost his wife and daughter just left for college. Bob Balaban played the role of Dr. Elliot Rentz, who is a senior faculty member of the English Department.
Nana Mensah Played the role of Dr. Yaz McKay, who is a young faculty member of the English Department and is the one up for tenure. Everly Carganilla played the role of Ju-Hee “Ju Ju”, she is the adopted daughter of Kim. David Morse played the role of Dean Paul Larson, who is the Dean at Pembroke University and the one who oversees the English Department of the university. Finally, Holland Taylor played the role of Dr. Joan Hambling, who is a senior faculty member of the English Department of the University.
Is Season 2 Worth Waiting for?
Season 1 of the series made a great impression on the hearts of the audience. They gained so much love and popularity in just a week, so by keeping this in mind, it will not be wrong to say that the next season will be most awaited for the audience, as hopes are so high from the next season. So definitely, it is worth waiting for.
In short, it is a great series to watch for everyone who loves comedy-drama. The protagonist has done a fantastic job in the whole series. The storyline or the plot makes it a must-watch series of all time.