Fans must be aware of the intriguing storyline this show will present on the way. The show will arrive on MTV with double agents CT Tamburello and his partner Berna Canbeldek who will be a part of the series. This show will be interesting as it will bring Josh Martinez and Fessy Fashaat that were part of the previous episodes.
The Plot of the Show
The upcoming episode has been named Uncle CT, which refers to Chris Tamburello. As shown, CT mentioned that he likes Emy as a cast member. The upcoming episode will be troubling for CT as he was with Berna throughout the first episode and has even won many challenges and first-ever elimination. But recently mentioned that he has not communicated with Berna for daily challenges, thus proving this relationship troubling.
Nothing but an intriguing story and more competition will be the plot of the new episode. Fans who are waiting for the show may be assured of one fact that they the results will definitely be fruitful.
Replacement of Hall Brawl by a New Event
The earlier elimination round has been changed, thus making fans more curious whether it will bring more excitement to the show or not. A new event will be involved in this new season called Rage Cage. An interesting name looks like this show will make fans curious about the same. Earlier seasons saw hall brawl as the elimination round where once Kyle Christie got a significant injury, thus leading to medical DQ.
This part involved Double Agents. It was thought that this new event might be less furious, but it is not so as the clip looks more brutally epic. Thus increasing the curiosity and excitement of the fans but at the same time making this look problematic.
Upcoming Elimination will Make which Contestant to Leave the Show
The gossip related to the new episode isn’t clear yet as the show’s makers have worked really hard in increasing the excitement for the show amongst fans but not revealing much about the show in total. The preview, which was attached with the last episode, didn’t make it obvious who will be present in the elimination round, but according to the challenge spoilers, it looks like this time it would be a catfight with two women fighting head-on.
Release Date of the Episode
The release date of the upcoming episode has been dropped, increasing the curiosity of the fans. As this is the 37th season of the show, it’s no need to mention its popularity. Thus fans waiting for the 7th episode must wait for just a little more as the episode will drop on Wednesday, September 22, 2021.
The show will air on MTV itself. The show can be viewed on MTV’s official site and on Hulu, DirecTV, Sling TV, Fubo, and Philo TV. They can also watch it on iTunes, Vudu, Google Play, Spectrum on DEmand, and Amazon Prime Video.