The Detective is Already Dead is a Japanese adult animated manga series. It is adapted from a light novel written by Nigoju, which was published in November 2019 with 5 volumes. This animated series is written by Deko Akao and directed by Manabu Kurihara. It was announced on January 20, 2021, and was released on July 4, 2021, and is present till now. 9 episodes have been released till now, and episode 10 is soon expected to be released.
It is expected to bring a total of 12 episodes. The story is about a boy who always lands up in some trouble. And he believes that he is born in that time when trouble naturally attracts him. For example, he was once kidnapped and was forced to carry some suitcase to the airport. He then meets a detective (Siesta) in the plane, and then the story revolves around them.
Release Date
The Detective is Already Dead has so far released 9 episodes and is all set to release its 10 episodes on September 5, 2021. This release date is confirmed so far in Japan. It will stream on SUN, TV Aichi, Tokyo MX, BS-NTV, AT-X, and KBS Kyoto. The series will release on Funimation outside Asia, and only their subscriber can watch this series there with English subtitles. Inside Asia, people can watch on youtube. Non-subscriber can also watch from September 12, 2021, as it will be available for all.
Worth Watching or Not
Season 1 of this series received both positive as well as negative reviews. It was rated 6.8/10 is IMDb. The series till now was full of suspense, mystery, romance, crime, and crime-solving scenes. The series gained huge appreciation for Siesta’s crime-solving skills, the way she solves mysterious cases is appreciating. If you like mysterious series, then you are going to love this series. I think this series is worth watching and waiting for episode 10.
Expected Plot
Season 1 Episode 10 is titled ‘So I Can’t Become The Detective.’ Episode 10 is expected to follow from where it left in episode 9. In episode 9, we saw Kimihiko and Siesta, the place where Alicia was kept with Charlotte. And then, they divided themselves into two teams to solve the mystery. And it was revealed that the mysterious man was an Alien who just came to execute his plan. And then a fight took place when Siesta’s heart was taken out, and Kimihiko wakes up in a hospital and been surprised how he reached there. In episode 10, we may see Kimihiko taking revenge and saving Alicia. We may also see Alien been successful in their plan.
Expected Cast
All characters whom we saw till episode 9 is expected to be seen in episode 10 also. Those characters are Kimihiko Kimizuka, Siesta, Nagisa Natsunagi, Yui Saikawa, Charlotte Arisaka, Anderson, Alicia, and Fubi Kase.
All voice characters also remain to be same for episode 10. They are Kimihiko Kimizuka voice by Arata Nagai, Siesta voice by Saki Miyashita, Nagisa Natsunagi voice by Ayana Taketatsu, Yui Saikawa voice by Kanon Takao, Charlotte Arisaka voice by Saho Shirasu, Bat voice by Yoshitsugu Matsuoka, Chameleon voice by Takehito Koyasu, Alicia voice for Maria Naganawa, and Fubi Kase voice by Mai Fuchigami.