The Devil Is a Part-Timer began as a Japanese novel series written by Satoshi Wagawa and was later adapted into a television series. With his vast demon armies, the Demon Lord Satan begins to seize control of Ente Isla, hitting terror into the hearts of mere humans. However, while focusing on this heinous mission to conquer the country, Satan’s efforts are thwarted by the hero Emilia; he is forced to flee through a gate that travels him to Morden Day.
Satan disguises himself as Sadao Maou, a human in a world without magic, and begins working at a local fast-food diner to earn a living. However, he quickly realizes that conquering Ente Isla is just not enough, and he becomes committed to move up in the world and become Earth’s emperor. Naoto Hosada directs this series. It premiered in April 2013 under the production companies infinite, Pony Canyon, and Sotsu.
The Devil Is A Part-Timer Season 2 Release Date might be Announced by September 2021
The release date of Season 2 is expected to be announced soon in September 2021; as previously stated, the first season premiered in July 2013. Thus, season 2 will be released soon after a 7-year hiatus. This was broadcast in Japan on blue ray and dvd with Japanese and English voiceovers. Season one has 13 episodes, and season two is expected to have the same number of episodes. However, due to the significant delay in season 2, there are no high expectations.
But by displaying really interesting plotlines, the show may achieve a good position with the season. This series includes genres such as romance, drama, supernatural fantasy, and comedy. There has been no trailer release, but one can be expected after the release date is announced and a month before the release.
Expected Cast
This season is expected to introduce some new characters, but there is no information on the characters’ names or the voice cast. The main cast members are satan ,emilia ,sasaki chiho ,alsiel hanzou and urushihara, who are voiced by ohsaka rayota ,hikasa yoko, tohyama nao and hiro shimono. This series was originally titled “hataraku maou-sama.” This series can be found on Netflix, Hulu, Crunchyroll, Animelab, and Funimation. Thus, viewers can find a comfortable and accessible platform to watch this series on.
The crew for season 1 has already been mentioned; season 2 has not yet been announced, but it is expected to be the same. Ikaria Atsushi created the character design for this series.
Satoshi Wabahara said he is the franchise’s biggest fan, regardless of the media. He said he wants a second season of the anime but said, “Even if the original author wants to make an animation, it doesn’t make it. How much is the original author pushing?” Create animations. Animation is also a business,” he said. However, I do not think that Waihara does not necessarily mean that fans give up their desires.